46th BCS question solution

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The Public Service Commission (PSC) has moved away from the practice of publishing a new BCS notification every November. This constitutional body has decided to publish the new BCS notification on the first day of the year from now. Apart from this, an initiative is being taken to complete preliminary, written and viva in one year, said a reliable source of PSC. Today Thursday, the source confirmed the truth of the matter in Prothom Alo.

When asked about the publication of the new BCS notification in the new year, the reliable source of PSC told Prothom Alo that the last 43rd, 44th and 45th BCS notifications are being published in the month of November. But it has been decided to publish the notification of the upcoming 46th BCS at the beginning of January. Apart from this, initiatives are being taken to finalize this BCS notification within one year from its inception.
When asked whether there will be age relaxation during the 46th BCS or not, the source said, age relaxation, promotion or some other decision is the prerogative of the government. If the Ministry of Public Administration has anything to say about it, it can inform the PSC by letter. But PSC cannot decide on its own age relaxation or reduction or promotion of posts. So it depends on the decision of the government.
According to PSC sources, the 41st BCS oral examination is now underway. Once this is over, the PSC will focus on conducting the viva of the 43rd and 44th BCS. Apart from this, the 45th BCS preliminary exam is scheduled on May 19. PSC will start the 46th BCS immediately after these BCS.
Meanwhile, in a press release, the PSC said that candidates will not be able to sit side by side if they apply for the 45th BCS together. PSC has taken initiative in this regard. To avoid any untoward situation in the examination hall this BCS preliminary exam seat arrangement is prepared on random basis. The Public Works Commission (PSC) has informed this information through a circular. According to the notification, the attendance list has been prepared on the basis of random selection according to the registration number of all the candidates. Seats are allocated by dividing the candidate’s registration number into even and odd numbers in the attendance list.
Candidates will need time to find their seat and room as the seat arrangement is prepared based on random selection. Therefore, PSC has requested the candidates to go to the exam hall with sufficient time.
The 45th BCS preliminary exam will be held on May 19 from 10 am to 12 pm for two hours. The examination will be held simultaneously in eight divisions of the country: Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal, Sylhet, Rangpur and Mymensingh. Preliminary exam will have MCQ questions of 200 marks. 1 mark for each correct answer and zero decimal 50 marks will be deducted from the total marks obtained for each wrong
A total of 2,309 cadres will be recruited through the 45th BCS. 1 thousand 22 people will be taken in non-cadre. Out of 2 thousand 309 cadres in the 45th BCS, the largest number of recruitments will be in medical. A total of 539 assistants and dental surgeons will be recruited. 437 people will get the maximum appointment in education cadre after treatment. After that, 80 people will be appointed in police, 54 in customs and 274 in administration.
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Generally, people who are serious and active in their studies are always interested to know information related to upcoming exams. There are many of you who are targeting the 45th BCS Cadre and want to know the probable date of this BCS. That’s why our website provides important information related to the 45th BCS Circular. But to know all types of BCS updates, you will get all types of information updates on the official website of the Bangladesh Public Works Commission, and also every piece of information will be updated regularly on our website.