uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise

Special uses of Phrases and words
1. was born / be born = পৃথীবিতে জন্ম গ্রহণ অর্থে / বা কোন কিছু সৃষ্টি হওয়া অর্থে।
Subject+_______+in/at/during/on/into+extensionKazi Nazrul Islam was our rebel poet. He _____ in Churulia of West Bengal.
Milton was a poet of versatile genius. He _____ in 1608 in England.
2. Have to/ has to / had to = কোন কাজ করা বাধ্যবাধকতা বা প্রয়োজনীয়তা অর্থে
3. Had better= কোন কিছু ভালো বা উত্তম অর্থে বসে।
Subject+________+Verb0+object /extension
Tomorrow is my exam. I________ go earlier, and I _______ attend the exam.
4. Would rather= দুটি কাজের মধ্যে যা বেশি পছন্দনীয় তা বুঝাতে
Subject+________+verb0 +noun(কাজ-১)+than+noun(কাজ-২)
You _____ build your own house than live in a rented house.
We _____ die than tell a lie
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
5. Let alone = চিন্তা করা যায় না, ভাবা যায় না এমন অর্থে ।
(কাজ-১)+let alone+(কাজ-২)
He cannot buy a shirt, _____ a car.
He can’t afford to travel by an AC bus ____ an aero-plane.
6. It is high time = কোন কাজ করার সঠিক সময় ইতোমধ্যেই পার হয়ে গেছে, তাই আর কোন বিলম্ব না করে এই মুহূর্তে উক্ত কাজটি সমাধান প্রয়োজন, এমন অভিব্যাক্তি প্রকাশ করতে।
It is high time / it is time / it is about time +Subject+verb2+object
______ you left this place.
_______ we stopped smoking.
7. Since(হল)/As if/ As though = যেন।
Verb 1 +since / as if / as though+ verb2
Verb2+ since / as if / as though+ had+verb3
He talks _______ he knew everything.
It is five years _______ we met.
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
8. Would you mind =আপনি/তুমি কি কিছু মনে করবেন/ করবে (Request)
9. What’s it like = কোন কিছু করার অনুভূতি সম্পর্কে জানতে ব্যাবহৃত হয়।
_________ verb+ing+object/extension +?
__________ swimming in the sea ?
_______ opening the windows ?
10. what does………… look like = কোন কিছু দেখতে কেমন ইত্যাদি জানার জন্যে।
________ a dinosaur _________ ?
______ the frozen mountain peak ______ ?
11. What if = কোন কিছু ঘটার ভয় অর্থে। (W.H Question+AV+Sub+MV+object+?)
_________ he wouldn’t have stopped the bus ?
_________ you were driving your bike and met a serious accident ?
12. There= সেখানে
Long ago, _____ lived a mighty warrior named Kubla Khan. He was the grandson of Genghis Khan.
_____ are many rivers in Bangladesh.
13. It= ইহা
_____ appears to me that you have worked hard.
14. Lest=পাছে ভয় হয় যদি, যাতে না ঘটে, এই ভয়ে যে Ó
Clause(KvR-1)+Lest+Clause (KvR-2)
Walk fast _____ you should miss the bus.
He saw a bear coming towards him. So, he climbed up a tree ______ the bear might attack him.
15. In order to / to = উদ্দেশ্য, লক্ষ্য, গন্তব্য বুঝাতে বসে।
I went to his office _______ meet him.
She worked hard _______ pass.
16. Need not = প্রয়োজন নেই।
Subject +_______+verb0+object
You _____ worry about anything.
17. Used to = অভ্যাস বুঝায়|
Subject+auxiliary be verb+________+verb+ing+object
He _____ do many harmful activities.
18. As soon as = কোন একটি ঘটনা ঘটার সাথে সাথে আরেকটি ঘটনা ঘটা।
As soon as+ clause, +clause
________ the teacher entered the class than the students became quiet.
Panic seized me _____ I heard his roaring voice.
19. No sooner had……… than / scarcely had…………… when/ hardly had ……….when= Òযেতে……… না যেতেইÓ Òখেতে……. না খেতেইÓ, Òপৌছাতে ………. না পৌছাতেইÓ ইত্যাদি অর্থে।
_________ subject+verb3+object, / than subject+verb+object
__________ I received her call, / when I left for her place.
20. As long as = দুটি কাজ বা ঘটনার একটির উপর যখন আরেকটি চলা বা না চলা নির্ভর করে এবং “যতখন” বা “ততক্ষন পর্যন্ত” অর্থ বুঝাতে ব্যাবহার হয়।
(কাজ-১)+as long as+(কাজ-২)
As long as+(কাজ-২), (কাজ-১)
He will live as long as you dance.
The poor will continue to suffer ______ they are illiterate.
______ the poor are illiterate, they will suffer.
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
21. Dare =সাহস অর্থে
No one dares to go there.
No one dare go there.
22. Unless= যদি না অর্থে
You cannot prosper in life ______ you make proper use of time.
23. In case = যদি এমনউ হয় বা ঘটে অর্থে
Clause ( Action ) + In Case + Clause ( Reason )
So, I’ll say goodbye now ______ I don’t see you again.
24. Neither =দুটির মধ্যে কোনটিই প্রযোজ্য নয় বুঝাতে প্রথমটির ক্ষেত্রে Neither আর পরবর্তীটির ক্ষেত্রে Nor বসে।
25. Whenever= যখনি অর্থে।
Top 10 grammar suggestion (Special uses of some phrases and words)
1.uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
Would rather
Had better
Was born
Let alone
What does…look like
Have to/has to
As soon as
(a)……… are hundreds of languages spoken regularly by human beings. But everywhere in the world people speak English.
(b)He loves his garden very much. He does not allow his sons to pluck any flower,..…… other children.
(c)…… very difficult to get a good grade in Bangla and English.
(d)It is getting dark. You …….go home right now.
(e) The authorities …….conform to the law because the PM earlier directed them to do so.
(f) Albert Einstein, a German-born theoretical physicist, and philosopher of science, …….on March 14, 1879, developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics.
(g) He was too tired to walk …. Run fast.
(h) He is an honest man and ….is known to all.
(i) We ……. Hospitalize him soon to save his life.
(J) We were going to Chattogram by train. …….we reached the station, my uncle received us warmly.
(K) ……. Should be some special arrangements in the program for the diplomats.
(l) Everyone ….. work for the development of his country. So do i.
(m) Student; Sir, ………the statue of liberty ….?
Teacher: It is in the form of a woman symbolizing liberty.
(n) Our school has two sessions a day, ……..the first session ends, the second session starts.
(o) ……. Your family ……? Our family is not big. It is a nuclear family.
(p) Television has a great educative value. The authority ……. Telecast educative programs than harmful ones.
2.uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
Would rather
Had better
Was born
Let alone
What does…look like
Have to/has to
As soon as
a) Son: mother, …… a canoe…..?
Mother: a canoe is a small boat pushed by paddle.
b) Let’s start ….. possible. We are already late for the class.
c) …… is hardly any person in our village who is not a graduate.
d) I …. Watch TV than go out .there is a cricket match on TV now.
e) Ria cannot do the sums of class five ……. Those of class ten.
f) The weather is deteriorating. You ….. resist yourself from going out.
g) Its five o’clock. You …. Go home before the traffic gets too bad.
h) A: …… a satellite ….?
B: I have heard of it but never got a chance to see it.
i) Everybody respects him very much. …… is no person as honest as he in our village.
j) ….is our duty to work for the welfare of the country. So do I.
k) I have a severe headache. I …go and see a doctor.
l) He was a kind-hearted man. He … spend his money for the poor than save it.
m) A student……study, attentively to get good marks in the examination.
n) You should not leave your car unlocked in the middle of the city. You…lock before you go into the restaurant.
o) ……the laughter of children………..?
p) Kazi Nazrul Islam is our national poet. He ……into a Muslim family in India.
Would rather
Had better
Was born
Let alone
What does…look like
Have to/has to
As soon as
a) Sir Jagadish Chandra bose, a bangalee polymath, physicist and biologist,——–on 30 November 1858.
b) I am very tired I ——-take a rest
c) a; ——- a satellite ——
b; I have heard of it but never got a chance to 5ee it
d) Everybody respects him very much——is no person as honest as he in our village.
e) ——– Germany ——- It is a wonderful country with a fascinating culture.
f) I have a severe headache I ——-go and see a doctor.
g) He was a kind-hearted man. He —– spend his money for the poor than save it
h) I—— accept the chance. chance does not come frequently
i) I—— leave the place than live with him .he is not a man is a beast.
j) ——- an isolated life —– I never believe in isolation I believe in the association.
k) Son; father, —— a fairy ——
Father; sorry, I have never seen any fairy,
l) Hazi Mohammad Mohsin —— In HoogIy, He is famous for his philanthropic activities,
m) We should proceed ——- possible, the function will start within a short time,
n) My mother cannot talk due to illness —— shout we are worried about her,
o) All —– be loyal to the law if not law will force us to be so.
p) ——- are many educational Institutions In Jashore town, so It is called the Town of education,
4.uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
Would rather
Had better
Was born
Let alone
What does…look like
Have to/has to
As soon as
a) To be successful In life one ……….. be disciplined. For. without maintaining a disciplined life .none can succeed in life,
b) He cannot express his ideas in Bangla ………. In English, he is not studious at all,
c) I ——– lead a simple life than cam a lot of money illegally and lead an aristocratic life,I always hate corruption and the corrupt,
d) While taking exams. Students should check if they have attempted all the questions ——they finish writings, but unfortunately some students do to do it,
e) Shamsur Rahman ——– in Dhaka in 1929. He is famous both as a poet and a novelist,
f) Rahim is meritorious but poor, He—— do private tuition in the afternoon to afford his educational expenses,
g) —- is unfortunate that many students spoil most of their time by using Facebook,
h) Now we get Information within some seconds Cell phones are doing this miraculous thing, But ——was a time we had to wait days for a letter to come and bring the news about our near and dear ones,
i) I have lost my sense.——– I opened my eyes. I remembered where I was,
j) Albert Einstein was a great scientist of physics. He ——- In 1879 and berthed his last In 1955.
k) ——– lived a boy named Ahsanullah .the boy was very kind-hearted. so, everybody liked him
l) This is not a well-furnished hotel . We —stay at a different hotel.
m) It’s a very important meeting .we —not miss the start of his presentation.
n) Fahim : —- a ghost —–.
Selim: sorry. I have never seen any ghost.
o) Saturday is my holiday. On this day I usually take a rest. I also don’t —work on Friday now.
p) —–a crowded city —? You seemed very pussled with your life in Dhaka city.
Would rather
Had better
Was born
Let alone
What does…look like
Have to/has to
As soon as
(a) He cannot tell my name my…….my address. He is lying.
(b) The Bangladesh cricket has done well in the World Cup. They…. struggle more to win the World Cup.
(c) …….the earth…….? It’s not completely round.
(d) I……. walk than get on the bus. This Time the bus is very crowded.
(e) …….I reached the station, the train left. Really I was lucky.
(f) Dr. Mahamud Shahidullah was a great linguist. He……. in 1885 AD.
(g) You look sick. You…..go home immediately.
(h) ……was a boy at the door. He wanted to talk to you.
(i) Bus service is available here. We don’t….. face my problem.
(j) She is quite inexperienced. She can’t make a cup of tea………..a cake.
(k) You know everything. ………is nothing much to tell.
(l) His College is about two miles away from here. Very often he…walk all this way.
(m) Altaf Mahmud as a musician, cultural, activist and martyred freedom fighter of the Bangladesh Liberation War. He…….on the 23rd December 1933.
(n) She quarrels with me all the time,… impossible for me to tolerate her.
(o) This job is so much difficult for me. I…. go back to my independent business.
(p) ……..swimming …….. ? It seems to be very heroic to me.
6. uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
Would rather
Had better
Was born
Let alone
What does…look like
Have to/has to
As soon as
(a) Rony is not afraid of crocodile …….cockroach . He is a dauntless boy
(b) Long ago …….live a hare in a forest. A tortoise also lives nearby.
(c) I ……..starve than earn my livelihood dishonest.
(d) Brojen Das was the first South Asian to swim across The English Channel. He is ……..on 9 December 1927 in Munshiganj district.
(e) ……ugliness …….. ? Ugliness is just the opposite of beauty.
(f) Your father will come tomorrow from Lond.You ……. go to the airport to receive him.
(g) You can have your coffee ….you come home from office.
(h) My baby is crying. I….put the meat in the oven.
(i) He is the only earning member in his family. He…. Work very hard for maintaining his family.
(j) He broke the axe handle. He…. Repair it at his own cost than take money from her.
(k) An illiterate man can’t do anything. He can’t think of himself…..of the country.
(l) A: ……. a moonlit night ……. ?
B: It looks birth with soft light
(m) Wordsworth is a poet of nature. He ……. England.
(n) A: what’s it like visiting a place of historical interest?
B: ……. gives us information about heritage?
(o) It is getting dark. You ……. leave this place as soon as possible.
(p) If you want to go abroad, you ….get a passport. It won’t take enough time.
7. uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
Would rather
Had better
Was born
Let alone
What does…look like
Have to/has to
As soon as
(a) ____extended family ____?
(b) I ____ lodge my son at a relative′s house than to make him live at the university hostel.
(c) Most of us are poor. We cannot afford to travel an AC bus ____by aeroplane.
(d) You look so weak.You____go home as early as possible.
(e) Tennyson was a great Victorian poet. He ____in England.
(f) It may rain today. You____leave earlier.
(g ____is many years since we first meet. How time does fly!
(h) His mother being sick, he needs to home____ possible.
(i) Kazi Nazrul Islam is our rebel poet. He ____in Churulia of West Bengal.
(J) We ____educate all and work hard to develop our country.
(k) Long ago,____ live a mighty warrior named Kubla khan. He was the grandson of Genghis Khan.
(l) ____ your family_____? Our family is not so big. It′s comparatively small.
(m) Today is a rainy day.You______ not go to office today.
(n) I have a bad headache. I ____go to doctor.
(o) ____ lived an old man in a village.We were very wise.
(p) Teacher: ____ a fairy ____?
Student: Sorry, sir. I have no idea
8. uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
Would rather
Had better
Was born
Let alone
What does…look like
Have to/has to
As soon as
(a) Manners make a man. Student ____practice good manners in everyday life.
(b) Most students in our country are weak in English .They ____ follow the advice of their teachers for improvement.
(c) Cox′s Bazar is a popular tourist hub. ____ are many nice hotelsthere for tourists.
(d) The other day I meet an old rickshaw puller. He told me that he ____pull a rickshaw then beg.
(e) A poor man straggle hart to survive in our country. He can hardly earn Tk. 200 a day____ Tk. 2000.
(f) In Dhaka city, traffic jam is very common. ____may occur anywhere any time.
(g) Smoking is one of the major causes of heart attack and cancer.____ a smoker stops smoking.
(h) Have you ever heart the name of William Shakespeare? He ____on 23 April, in 1564 in England. He was one of the greatest dramatists of the world.
(i) Son: Dad, ____an alien____?
Father: Well. Aliens are believed to come from another planet by UFOS. Films and science fiction tell us about them.
(k) She never could manage to travel to AC bus ____ by air.
(l) In England, most school children____ wear a uniform. Is it the same in Bangladesh?
(l) We ____take an umbrella. It may rain.
(o) At present ____are countless numbers of millionaires on our country.
(p) The tennis match restarted ____the rain had stopped. It was a great relief for the spectators.
Would rather
Had better
Was born
Let alone
What does…look like
Have to/has to
As soon as
(a) The examination is close at hand .I____ study seriously.
(b) Sir Walter Scott was both a poet and novelist. He____in 1971.
(c) Shamim cannot afford to buy a cell phone ____ a desktop.
(d) It is getting dark.You ____go back home.
(e) The boy was making a noise in the class. But ____ the teacher entered the class,he kept quiet.
(f) _____the earth____?
(g) ____ is no fish in the pond. It is used as a swimming pool.
(h) It is a great sin to tell a lie. I ____die than tell a lie.
(i) During the rainy season ____rains heavily without any gap.
(j) Karim____work in the field to arrange his education expenses.
(k) _____horror show_____? I think it is harmful to children.
(l) He can’t recall the incident _____the cause of it. He became a victim of it.
(m) You ____ got to the concert than stay at home. The concert is always enjoyable.
(n) _____the football ____? It is completely round.
(o) We _____hire a rickshaw. It is already too late. We have to reach the exam hall in time.
(p) The match restarted _____the third umpire declared the decision.10.
Would rather
Had better
Was born
Let alone
What does…look like
Have to/has to
As soon as
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
(a) To be successful, one ____be disciplined. For, without maintaining a disciplined life, none can succeed in life.
(b) He cannot express his ideas in Bangla, ____in English. He is not studious at all.
(c) I ____lead a simple life than earn a lot of money illegally and lead an aristocratic life .I always hate corruption and the corrupt.
(d) While taking exams, students should check if they have attempted all the questions____ they finish writings .But unfortunately some students one.
(e) ____her new house ____? It’s s modern one.
(f) Ratan is meritorious but poor .He ____do a private tuition in the afternoon to afford his educational expenses .
(g) ____is unfortunate that many students spoil most of their time by using Facebook .
(h) Now, we get information within seconds. Cell phones are doing this miraculous thing. But ____was a time when we had to wait days after days for a letter to come and bring the news about our near and dear ones.
(i) In England ,most school children____wear a uniform.Is it the same in Bangladesh?
(j) I____take a taxi than walk home. It’s already too late.
(K) We____ take an umbrella .It may rain.
(l) I can’t remember the title of the book,____the details of the story .I read it many years ago.
(m) The tennis match restarted____the rain had stopped. It was a great relief for the spectators.
(n) ____your new teacher ____? He is very liberal and sincere.
(o) Baby : Mom ,____a ghost____?
Mom: Sorry dear, no idea. I have never seen any ghosts before.
(p) Socrates was a great Greek philosopher.He____in 469 BC .He spoke against the traditional Greek beliefs and so he was sentenced to death by drinking hemlock.
Would rather
Had better
Was born
Let alone
What does…look like
Have to/has to
As soon as
(a) We____ hire a rickshaw. It’s already too late. We have to reach the exam hall in time.
(b) I can’t remember the name of the story. ____the details about the different characters. I read the story many years ago.
(c) Rabindranath Tagore is one of the greatest poets of world literature. He ____Into the famous Tagore family.
(d) ____.a leopard____?
(e) The cricket match restarted ____the third umpire declared the decision.It was a great relief for the spectators.
(f) It was a terrible ship. ____was no crew in that ship of death.
(g) In ancient times, people____first against dangerous wild animals. Is it the same in the present days?
(h) In our country, rainy season is Very different. During this season,____rains heavily without any gap.
(i) Tarek____sleep than watch such a type of films .It’s really boring.
(J) ____Maynamoty ____? I have never visited the place.
(K) I ____resign my job than tolerate injustice. I have moral courage to raise voice against injustice.
(l) A good citizen ____perform a lot of things. These things will enable him to become a real patriot.
(m) ____I reached the station, the train left. Really i was junky.
(n) He cannot tell my name____ My address. He is lying.
(o) Once ____lived a farmer .He had four sons.
(p) JoynulAbedin was a great artist. He____ in Kishoreganj
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
Complete the sentences with suitable phrases and words given in the box all board questions 2019
1. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box: [Dhaka Board-2019]
[would you mind, there, as soon as, was born, it is high time, as if, would rather, unless, what does…. look like, have to]
(a) Your enemies are looking for you. — you left this place. (b) It is raining heavily. — closing the window?(c) Rifat often behaves — he was a prince. It becomes very difficult for me to tolerate him.(d) Humayun Ahmed was a teacher, author, dramatist, and filmmaker. He — on 13 November 1948.(e) — you work hard, you will not make a good result. (f) I —resign my job than tolerate injustice. I have the moral courage to raise my voice against injustice. (g) Son: — a satellite—? Father: I have heard of it but never got a chance to see it. (h) We informed the police — the incident took place. But the police didn’t arrive even after two hours.(i) Our society is full of bad people. We —remain aware of them.(j) —is a hue and cry on the road. Something must have happened.
Answer: a) it is high time; B) Would you mind; C) as if; D) was born; e) Unless; f) would rather; g) What does.. look like; h) as soon as; I) have to; j) There
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
2. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box. [Rajshahi Board-2019]
[had better, let alone, what does ….. look like, as soon as, as if, there, would you mind, would rather, it, was born]
(a) Our spring is very charming. During spring various kinds of flowers bloom.— seems that everything has got a new life. (b) Baby: Mom, — an owl—?(c) Don’t disturb me, you — leave me alone at this moment. (d) The poor man— starve than beg. (e)— exists no life on Mars. (f)—taking tea with me? (g) Sir Walter Scott was both a poet and a novelist. He— is 1771. (h) She acts —she was mad. (i) —we reached the station, the train started. (j) He did not even see a hill, — a mountain.
Answer: a) It; B) What does… look like; C) had better; D) would rather; e) There; f) Would you mind; g) was born; h) as if; I) As soon as; j) let alone
3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box: [Cumilla Board-2019]
[what does…..look like, how to, in order that, it is high time, was born, had to, what’s it like, let alone, unless, lest]
(a) The child cannot walk-run in the field.(b) Tareq Ahmed is a renowned teacher. He—in 1960.(c) At present, the children do not know — swim in the water. (d) Parents— work hard to take care of their children.(e) Rima studies hard —GPA-5 should be missed. (f) Father, — a ghost—?(g) Tanisha went to college —she could learn something. (h) — people stopped corruption from society. (i)—swimming in the river? For the first time, it seems a new experience for all. (j) You will not succeed in life—you work hard.
Answer: a) let alone; B) was born; C) how to; D) had to; e) Lest; f) want does… look like; g) in order that; h) It’s high time; I) what’s it like; j) unless
4. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box: [Jashore Board-2019]
[would you mind, was born, let alone, had better, there, what does ……. look like, as if, would rather, as soon as, have to]
(a) — flying in the sky? I think you will enjoy a lot.(b) —was a king named Robert Bruce. He was very famous. (c) I—and brought up in Bangladesh. This is a very beautiful country.(d) Bangladesh is an emerging power in the world cricket. But we — struggle more to win the world cup. (e) He cannot tell my name, —my address. He is really a liar. (f) — the earth —? It’s not completely round.(g) We — walk fast than get on the train. The train is very crowded.(h) The class started — I reached my college. I was really lucky.(i) You look so weak. You —go home as early as possible.(j) The man pretended— he had been very poor. So, we disliked him.
Answer: a) Would you mind; B) There; C) was born; D) have to; e) let alone; FL want does…look like; g) would rather; h) as soon as; I) had better; j) as if
5. Complete the sentences with suitable words/phrases given in the box: [Sylhet Board-2019]
[as if, it is about time, would rather, feel like, blow one’s own trumpet, is used to, as far as, when it comes to, had better, needn’t have]
(a) “Can I smoke here?” “I — you didn’t. It’s a no-smoking zone.”(b) This car is absolutely fine — the engine is concerned. (c) We rushed to the station lest we might miss the train. But the train was late and we had to wait for an hour. We — hurried.(d) It’s well past 10 and Diba is still in bed. — she got up.(e) Nishi is a nice girl. But — cooking, she is absolutely hopeless.(f) Lima has always lived alone. She — living alone.(g) Well, you don’t need to —. We know that you have some talent.(h) Look at that building! It looks — it’s going to fall down!(i) I am very tired. I don’t — going out this evening. (j) “It’s getting late. I have to go now.” “You — not. It’s raining very hard.”
Answer: a) would rather; B) as far as; c) needn’t have hurried; D) It is about time; e) when it comes; f) is used to; g) blow your won trumpet; h) as if; I) feel like; j) had better
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
6. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box: [Barishal Board-2019]
[as though, was born, what …… look like, it, had to, had better, would rather, there, as soon as, let alone]
(a) We — hire a rickshaw. It’s already too late. We have to reach the exam hall in time.(b) I can’t remember the name of the story, — the details about the different characters. I read the story many years ago. (c) Nobody likes Suborna at all. She talks — she knew everything in the world. (d) Rabindranath Tagore is one of the greatest poets in world literature. He — is the famous Tagore family. (e)— does a leopard —?(f) The cricket match restarted — the third umpire declared the decision. It was a great relief for the spectators.(g) It was a terrible ship. — was no crew in that ship of death. (h) In ancient times, people — fight against dangerous wild animals. Is it the same in the present days? (i) In our country, the rainy season is very different. During this season — rains heavily without any gap. (j) Tarek — sleep than watch such type of film. It’s really boring.
Answer: a) had better; B) let alone; C) as though; D) was born; e) What … look like; f) as soon as; g) There; h) had to; I) it; j) would rather
7. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box: [Chattogram Board-2019][No sooner had, unless, what does …. look like, in order to, as if, what if, there, let alone, was born](a) Accessibility to higher education in our country is very difficult. Students must work hard — get themselves admitted into universities.(b) Time is very important in our life. You cannot prosper in life —you make the best use of time.(c) The students were talking in the class. — the teacher entered the class than they stopped talking.(d) He proceeded — he had never seen me. His behaviour shocked me.(e) The man is very weak. He cannot walk a mile, — five miles.(f) I’m in short of time. ——the train is late?(g) Once — lived a farmer. He had four sons. (h) Have you seen a camel? — it — ? (i) — is unfortunate that many students spoil their time by using Facebook. (j) Joynul Abedin was a great artist. He —in Kishoregonj.
Answer: a) in order to; B) unless; C) No sooner had; D) as if; e) let alone; f) What if; g) there; h) What does.. look like; I) It; was born
8. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box: [Dinajpur Board-2019]
[there, was born, have to, let alone, what if, had better, as soon as, would rather, what’s it like, as if]
(a) I have never walked five miles at a stretch, —–ten miles. The idea of walking so much distance frightens me.(b) I have never visited Kuakata. — visiting this place in the coming summer vacation?(c) People do not like his way of behavior. He always behaves — he was a great leader.(d) The price of mango is high in our country. —we turn this land into a mango orchard?(e) The criminal ran away —he saw the police. He was afraid of being arrested.(f) Smoking tells upon the smoker’s health greatly. You —give up this bad habit.(g) Once —lived a king named Solomon. He was very wise.(h) Shimul —work hard than beg. He is very industrious and painstaking.(i) Tapan is somewhat backward in his preparation for the coming HSC exam. He ¾ study hard to get completely prepared before the exam.(j) Albert Einstein was a great scientist of physics. He — in 1879 and breathed his last in 1955.
Answer: a) let alone; B) What’s it like; C) as if; D) What if; e) as soon as; f) have to; g) there; h) would rather; I) had better; j) was born
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
Complete the sentences with suitable phrases and words given in the box all board questions 2018
1. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box: [HSC Exam-2018 (Ka Set)][as if, have to, as soon as, it, was born, let alone, would rather, there, had better, what if]
(a) We — pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar than the Sundarban. We have already visited the Sundarbans.(b) The storm was raging violently. We got out — it abated.(c) Fardin is always boastful of his uncles. He talks — they were the most powerful men in the country.(d) My college is far away from our house. I —walk a long way to go to my college.(e) Jasim Uddin is a rural poet. He — in 1903 in a village named Tambulkhana in Faridpur.(f) —is very hot today. Load shedding is aggravating the situation.(g) Maruf cannot earn 50 marks —80 marks. He is a student of average standard.(h) — are many mango trees around our home. They give us very sweet mangoes.(i) Faiaz seems to be weak. He— consult an experienced doctor. (j) The river is calm. —we swim in the river? To swim in the river is a nice experience.
Answer: a) would rather; b) as soon as; C) as if; D) have to; e) was born; f) It; g) let alone; h) There; I) had better; j) What if
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
2. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box: [HSC Exam-2018 (Kha Set)][would you mind, used to, as if, as soon as, let alone, had better, it, would rather, so that, what if]
(a) He acts— he were rich. So nobody likes him.(b) — eating sea fish? I think you will enjoy a lot.(c) Aloka can’t afford to buy a cellphone, — a laptop. Actually, she is very poor.(d) It may rain today. You — leave earlier.(e) Sometimes we become speechless remembering our childhood memories. We —swim in the river.(f) —is many years since we first met. How time does fly! (g) His mother being sick, he needs to go home — possible. (h) We —-develop our humanity than observe hartal and strike. Let us change our destructive culture. (i) There started a heavy storm when I was about to go out — I had been out there? (j) He took a part-time job — he could earn some money. He was very sincere.Answer: a) as if; B) would you mind; C) let alone; D) had better; e) used to; f) It; g) as soon as; h) would rather; I) What if; j) so that
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
Complete the sentences with suitable phrases and words given in the box all board questions 2017
1. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box: [Dhaka Board-2017[[as soon as, what does ……. look like, what if, what’s it like, it, had better, was born, let alone, have to, would rather](a) Deforestation is a matter of great concern. We — take immediate steps against cutting down trees at random.(b) To tell a lie is a great sin. We —die than tell a lie. Otherwise, none will believe us.(c) Helmet should be used while driving a motorcycle. —you were driving your bike and met a serious accident?(d) —swimming in the sea? It seems to be very heroic to me.(e) — mother heard the news, she cried loudly. She lost her child in a car accident.(f) Rome was not built in a day. — took a long-time and hard labour to build this city.(g) Rahman is a poor man. He cannot buy a shirt —a car. (h) Kazi Nazrul Islam is our rebel poet. He —in Churulia of West Bengal.(i) Rina’s dress looks very dirty. It is old enough. She —buy a new dress.(j) Rana: Hi. Robi —a Pea-cock —? Robi: It’s a very nice bird. It knows how to dance?
Answer: a) have to; B) would rather; C) What if; D) What’s it like; e) As soon as; f) It; g) let alone; h) was born; I) had better; j) What does.. look like
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
2. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box: [Rajshahi Board-2017][there, what if, have to, no sooner had, would rather, lest, as if, let alone, what does look like, be born]
(a) The students were loitering in the corridor. —they seen the teacher than they entered the classroom.(b) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is the father of our nation. He —in 1920 in Tungipara of Gopalganj district.(c) I can’t stand Rubel. He always acts —he were smarter than everyone.(d) The little girl was suddenly crossing the road. A bus was passing by. As it came near the girl, the driver halted it. —he wouldn’t have stopped the bus?(e) Shoma —live in a hostel than live in her relative’s home. She feels free and comfortable in the hostel.(f) You started late. Now you are walking slowly. Walk fast —you should miss the bus.(g) He is very poor. He can’t afford to travel by an AC bus —an airplane.(h) Daughter: Mom, —an albatross —? Mother: My dear, an albatross is a very large white bird that lives in the Pacific and Southern Oceans.(i) Long ago, —lived a mighty warrior named Kubla Khan. He was the grandson of Genghis Khan.(j) I —seek advice from a doctor. I have been suffering from a fever for a long time.
Answer: a) No sooner had; B) was born; C) as if; D) What if; e) would rather; f) lest; g) let alone; h) What does.. look like; I) there; j) have to.
3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box: [Cumilla Board-2017][it is high time, in case, lest, as though, no sooner had, unless, would you mind, have to, used to, as long as]
(a) There is a foul smell in the room. —opening the windows?(b) Tomorrow I will be very busy. So, I’ll say goodbye now — I don’t see you again.(c) We —educate all and work hard to develop our country.(d) Nobody likes Karim at all. He talks —he knew everything.(e) The poor will continue to suffer —they are illiterate.(f) Nobody likes you here. —you left this place.(g) He saw a bear coming towards him. So, he climbed up a tree —the bear might attack him.(h) Everybody disliked Rakib. He —do many harmful activities.(i) Time is very important in our life. You cannot prosper in life —you make proper use of time.(j) The students were talking in the class. —the teacher entered the class than they stopped talking.
Answer: a) Would you mind; B) in case; C) have to; D) as though; e) as long as; f) It is high time; g) lest; h) used to; I) unless; j) No sooner had.
4. Complete the sentences with suitable words/phrases given in the box: [Jashore Board-2017][as if, let alone, what does …look like, was born, there, what’s it like, have to, as soon as, had better, would rather]
(a) In modern times, — has been a great change in the attitude of man regarding superstitious belief. (b) Our learners develop very poor writing skills. They cannot write fairly well even in Bangla —in English.(c) Some city dwellers’ behavior is often too formal. They speak in such a way —they were never in the village.(d) I have never traveled by air. —flying in the sky?(e) Riaz:—the frozen mountain peak…..? Purnima: It looks like a white dome.(f) Sheela is suffering from toothache. She —see a dentist.(g) Play is delayed due to rain. It will resume —the rain stops.(h) Sohel is a very good-natured boy. He —stay at home than mix with bad companies.(i) Milton was a poet of versatile genius. He —in 1608 in England. He used to believe that one should start a profession after taking necessary preparations.(j) We have discussed this for quite a long time. We can’t take much time anymore. We — come to a conclusion.
Answer: a) there; B) let alone; c) as if; D) What’s it like; e) What does.. look like; f) had better; g) as soon as; h) would rather; I) was born; j) have to.
5. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box: [Chittagong Board-2017][there, as soon as, what does ….. look like, was born, what if, has to, as if, what’s it like, let alone, would rather]
(a) It was 45 years ago when a new country named Bangladesh in the world map —at the cost of millions of lives.(b) During the Liberation War of Bangladesh —was a great American singer George Harison who sang for Bangladesh.(c) —living in Bangladesh? You seem to be very happy with your life in Bangladesh.(d) My foreign friend told me you —leave this country than live here. I replied, “This is my motherland.”(e) In 1971 the Pakistani army did terrible atrocities against the Bangladeshis. Pakistan —apologize for this to Bangladesh.(f) Pakistan always plays a role against Bangladesh. We cannot expect any co-operation from them —apology.(g) The elements of anti-liberation forces came out of their cocoons —the father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was killed.(h) Some persons living in Bangladesh always try to make a conspiracy against the country—Bangladesh were not their own country.(i) The authority of Dhaka University cut ties with Pakistan. —the government of Bangladesh takes initiatives to cut of diplomatic relation with Pakistan? (j) Teacher: Learners, —the national flower of Bangladesh —?
Answer: a) was born; B) there; c) what’s it like; D) would rather; e) has to/had to; f) let alone; g) as soon as; h) as if; I) What if; j) What does.. look like.
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
6. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box: [Dinajpur Board-2017][there, let alone, it, as if, what ….. look like, have to, as soon as, was born, had better, would rather]
(a) We —not go out today. A riot has broken out in our locality.(b) —is a good idea to walk in the morning. One can take it as an important form of physical exercise because it refreshes both body and mind.(c) Do you often —travel on business? You are always seen traveling abroad.(d) Long ago, —lived a very pious man. His name was Hatem Tai and he was very kind-hearted.(e) —does a clown —? You’ve seen a clown in the circus many a time.(g) I got a job at a bar. But I hate working at a bar. I — be a waiter than a barman.(f) —I see my father coming to my heart fills up with joy. I am very much fond of my father.(h) Kazi Nazrul Islam —in an impoverished family. He had to earn even when he was a small boy.(i) The economical condition of Robi is very poor. He cannot afford one meal per day —square meals. (j) After the final match of the FIFA World Cup 2014, Messi looked —he were completely routed. His cherished dream had been shattered.
Answer: a) had better; B) It; c) have to; D) there; e) What does… look like?; f) As soon as; g) would rather; h) was born; I) let alone; j) as if.
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
More Exercises
1. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box:[has to, it is high time, would rather, as soon as, lest, let alone, what’s it like, as though, unless, there]
(a) The bridge grew old. The villagers repaired it —it might break down.(b) There is a charitable dispensary in our village. No one—pay for the service.(c) We must learn English as it is an international language.—we adopted proper steps for learning English.(d) She has a great sense of morality. She— fail in the exam than adopt unfair means.(e) —swimming in the sea? It seems to be very heroic to me.(f) Rahman is a poor man. He cannot buy a shirt,—a car.(g) Nobody likes Kulsum at all. She talks—she knew everything.(h) Play is delayed due to rain. It will resume—the rain stops.(i) Long ago,—lived a mighty warrior named Kubla Khan.(j) Time is very important in our life. You cannot prosper in life— you make proper use of time.
Answer: (a) lest; (b) has to; (c) It is high time; (d) would rather; (e) What’s it like; (f) let alone; (g) as if; (h) as soon as; (i) there; (j) unless.
2. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box:[there, What’s it like, let alone, as soon as, was born, have to, What does … look like, Would rather, as if, had better]
a) A man was injured in the accident, but he didn’t— go to the hospital. It was not so serious.(b) Once,—lived a lion in a cave. One day a mouse entered the cave. The lion wanted to kill it first but later on it let the mouse go.(c) You don’t have permission to stand here —park your car.(d) Somebody should stop David. He was talking about David Copperfield —he had read the whole book.(e) Sujana will really be angry if we do not invite her to the party. We — invite her.(f) It started raining —we got out of the car. It was really an awkward situation.(g) Baby: Mom, —a fairy —?(h) —having dinner with your favourite celebrity? It must be awesome.(i) T.S Eliot was a great American modern poet. He —in 1888. He wrote The Wasteland which was translated into many languages.(j) I know that I will be rich soon if I become a police officer. Yet, I —be a teacher, I like teaching.
Answer: (a) have to; (b) there; (c) let alone; (d) as if; (e) had better; (f) as soon as; (g) What does … look like; (h) What’s it like; (i) was born; (j) would rather.
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
3. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box:[there, what’s it like, have to, as if, was born, let alone, would you mind, would rather, as soon as, had better]
(a) — reading the novel I gave you? You seem to be very interested in reading it.(b) You — not help your friend in the exam hall. It is, in other words, destroying his/her capabilities.(c) I will stop writing — the bell rings. It is not a good practice to continue writing after the bell has rung.(d) He writes — he were an author. Actually, he cannot write a single line.(e) Many children — blind last year. It was a painful phenomenon.(f) He — wake than sleep. He has to complete the home task as early as possible.(g) — are a lot of fishes in the pond. This pond belongs to them.(h) He has no money to buy food, — a fine cloth to wear. He spent all his money lavishly.(i) You — write the essay correctly and precisely to get good marks. Otherwise, you cannot expect something good from it.(j) — spending some blissful hours with the children? 1 think you won’t.
Answer: (a) Would you mind; (b) had better; (c) as soon as; (d) as if; (e) was born; (f) would rather; (g) There; (h) let alone; (i) have to; (j) What’s it like.
4. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box:[as if, was born, as soon as, what does… look like, have to, there, let alone, would rather, had better, it]
(a) Manner makes a man. Students — practice good manners in everyday life.(b) Most of our students are weak in English. They —follow the advice of their teachers.(c) He tries to prove his skill in English. He speaks English —he were an English man.(d) Cox’s Bazar is a popular tourist hub. —are many nice motels for the tourists.(e) An honest man told me that he —pull a rickshaw than beg.(f) A poor man struggles hard to survive. He can earn tk. 200 a day —tk. 2000.(g) In Dhaka city, traffic jam is very common. —may occur anywhere at any time.(h) —a smoker stops smoking, he can avoid the risk of any danger.(i) Shakespeare — on 23rd April 1564.(j) Tell me. —an alien —?
Answer: (a) have to; (b) had better; (c) as if; (d) There; (e) would rather; (f) let alone; (g) It; (h) As soon as; (i) was born; (j) What does … look like.
5. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box:[was born. would you mind. there. would rather, what does…look like. as if let alone, had better, have to, as soon as]
(a) He cannot tell my name, — my address. He is lying.(b) The Bangladeshi cricketers have done well in the World Cup. They — struggle more to with the World Cup.(c) — the earth —? It’s not completely round.(d) I — walk than get on the bus. This time the bus is very crowded.(e) — I reached the station, the train left. Really I was lucky.(f) Dr Muhammad Shahidullah was a great linguist. He — in 1885 A.D.(g) He acts — he were rich. So nobody likes him.(h) You look sick. You — go home immediately.(i) — was a boy at the door. He wanted to talk to me.(j) — eating sea fish? I think you will enjoy a lot.
Answer: (a) let alone; (b) have to; (c) What does……look like; (d) would rather; (e) As soon as; (f) was born; (g) as if; (h) had better; (i) There; (j) Would you mind.
6. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box:
[there, let alone, what does—look like, what if, as soon as, was born, as if, would rather, had better, have to]
(a) Silvia is generally a gentle girl. But yesterday she behaved — she had lost her sense.(b) The boy is very weak. He cannot run five miles — ten miles.(c) It was raining cats and dogs. So they — wait until the rain stopped. (d) The man coming from the city thinks that he — die than beg.(e) — an elephant’s trunk —? It is a snake-shaped organ doing the work of a nose and even a hand.(f) — he entered the castle, the door automatically closed behind.(g) It is the shortest way from my home to DU. I — not go another way.(h) — the road ends over there? We have to walk the whole campus to find the exit.(i) Barack Obama was the President of the USA. But his father — in Kenya.(j) — was a time when people used to use camels and animals for crossing the distant path.
Answer: (a) as if; (b) let alone; (c) had to; (d) would rather; (e) What does ….. look like; (f) As soon as; (g) had better; (h) What if; (i) was born; (j) There.
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
7. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box:[there, what’s it like, let alone, as soon as, was born, so that, how … doing, would rather. as if. had better]
(a) — the thief saw the police, he started running but he was caught short.(b) You want to come to our house. I’ll draw a map for you — you can easily find it.(c) We went to the theatre yesterday. Today I — go to the cinema. What about you? (d) I knew — would not be any examination. So, I did not study seriously.(e) David has gone through major knee surgery. He’ll never walk again, — play football.(f) On my way to college, I was stopped by an old man. The old man behaved — he had met me before. (g) — working in a call center? You don’t seem to be very happy with your job.(h) You — tell her everything now. She might get you wrong.(i) Mamun: Salam, have you met Mr Kabir recently? — is he —?(j) Jalal Uddin Muhammad Akbar was a great Mughal Emperor. He — in 1542. He introduced Bengali year.
Answer: (a) As soon as; (b) so that; (c) had better; (d) there; (e) let alone; (f) as if; (g) What’s it like; (h) would rather; (i) How… doing; (j) was born.
8. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box:[Nothing but, What if, Would you mind, Let alone, Lest, As if, Had better, There, More than, Was born, , What’s ……. like, No sooner than]
(a) The boy does not read carefully. — he fails in the exam?(b) Socrates has been declared innocent by the Greek court recently. This unparallel philosopher — in 470 BC, in Athens.(c) Our life is very short in comparison with eternity. It is — sum total of days, months and years.(d) I feel sick. — taking me to a hospital?(e) The moon is attractive to all. — the sun —?(f) The man was more than eighty. He walked slowly — he should stumble on the street.(g) Though he was a quack, he behaved — he had been an M.B.B.S doctor.(h) You are getting bulky day by day. You — take physical exercise.(i) The boy is only twenty years old. But his behaviour shows he is — fifty.(j) The presence of students in the class is less than sixty today. — were about 100 students present in the last class.
Answer: . (a) What if; (b) was born; (c) nothing but; (d) Would you mind; (e) What’s …… like; (f) lest; (g) as if; (h) had better; (i) more than; (j) There
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
9. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box:[Have to, as if, No sooner had, What’s it like, Had better, would rather, was born, what does — look like, let alone, there]
(a) An illiterate man can’t do anything. He can’t think of himself — of the country.(b) He broke the axe handle. He — repair it at his own cost than take money from her.(c) Many well off people live in this place. But — is no good school here. (d) If you want to go abroad, you — get a passport. It won’t take enough time.(e) It was raining, — the rain stopped than they started their journey.(f) The setting sun looks very nice. It is — it were a golden plate.(g) It is getting dark, You — leave this place as soon as possible.(h) A: — visiting a place of historic interest?(i) Wordsworth is a poet of nature. He — in England.(j) A: — a moonlit night —? B: It looks bright with soft light.
Answer: (a) let alone; (b) would rather; (c) there; (d) have to; (e) No sooner had; (f) as if; (g) had better; (h) What’s it like; (i) was born; (j) What does… look like.
10. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/ words given in the box:
[there, would rather, let alone, as soon as, was born, what does ..look like, have to, as if, had better, would you mind]
(a) — an alien —? Is it like a human being?(b) You are praising yourself — you were a scholar. Empty vessels sound much.(c) You — eat vegetables than fast food. They are helpful for digestion.(d) He cannot tell my name, — my address. He is lying.(e) The Bangladesh cricketers have done well in the Champions Trophy. They — struggle more to win the World Cup.(f) Dr Muhammad Shahidullah was a great linguist. He — in 1885 A.D.(g) You look sick. You — go home immediately.(h) — eating sea fish? I think you will enjoy a lot.(i) — I reached the station, the train left. Really I was lucky.(j) — was a boy at the door. He wanted to talk to me.
Answer: (a) What does…… look like; (b) as if; (c) would rather; (d) let alone; (e) have to; (f) was born; (g) had better; (h) Would you mind; (i) As soon as; (j) There.
Try Yourself
1. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box.
[as soon as, cannot but, it is high time, there, does look like, as it were, what if, let alone, cannot help, had better, was born, no sooner had]
(a) The man talked—nothing had happened in his life.(b) Karl Max, a German philosopher, economist, historian, and sociologist,—on 5 May 1818.(c) Corruption has grasped our morality.—we freed ourselves from this vice.(d) —the fog dispersed, the team started their journey for new discoveries in the forest.(e) You are financially gifted. You — spend money for humanitarian work than wasting it for attaining illegal something.(f) Have you ever visited any mountain area? What —it —?(g) — he fails in the exam? He will take part next year.(h) —are few people having courage withstanding against immorality. (i) You have wasted much time. Now you —studying hard to cover the loss. (j) He has done so much offense. He cannot get the sympathy of his parents—his neighbors.
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC
2. Complete the sentences with suitable phrases/words given in the box.
[as if, what does—look like, have to, let alone, there, was born, what’s it like, as soon as, would rather, had better]
(a) Health is wealth, so we all — follow the rules of health in order to live a sound life.(b) — was a king named Lear. He had three daughters whom he loved very cordially.(c) I cannot even remember his name, — his address.(d) — eating an unboiled egg? This must be injurious to health.(e) I — avoid him earlier. My parents repeatedly warned me about his misconduct.(f) We — help him than walk home. He really needed our help.(g) It may rain at any moment. We should start — we can.(h) The child was blind when he —. Since then he has been a blind child.(i) Behave yourself. Don’t cross your limit and don’t pretend — you did not know anything about the incident.(j) — a deer —? Really it is really very beautiful.
uses of Phrases and words Board Question exercise for HSC SSC and JSC