A Sly Fox and a Foolish Crow completing story for hsc ssc jsc master honours bcs

There was a crow that was not smart. It flew over a meat shop one day. When the shop owner turned around, it had taken a piece of meat. The store owner wasn’t there when the crow stole his meat. The crow took off and sat on a branch of a tree far away.
A sneaky fox saw it from under the tree. The fox was smart and greedy at the same time. He asked the crow to sing a song after giving it some thought. “Start singing, and all the animals in the forest will come to hear you. You’ll be famous,” the sneaky fox told the silly crow. The stupid crow was happy to hear it and started to sing. When he opened his mouth, the meat came out. A smart fox was ready for this very moment. It took the bread, ate it all in one go, and then did it again.
It cost the crow a lot to be stupid. The crow didn’t know what to do.