Bank job question with solution
Bank job question with solution here given for your better preparation of Competetive Bank job. BCS, Bank jobs, and Non-cadre jobs are very prestigious and valuable for a graduated person.

How to do best in the Bank job Examination?
Some important suggestions in this regard.
First-class jobs, promotions in less time, multiple incentive bonuses per year, increments – all these reasons make the job of a senior officer in a state-owned bank attractive to many. As there are more candidates, there is fierce competition in the selection test.
So the preparation phase has to be done with understanding. For the planned, tidy preparation, you have to decide at the beginning what to read, how much to read.
The selection test is usually done through prelim (MCQ) and written tests. The written test can be given only after passing the prelim. The written test is a few days after the prelim test. This means that there will not be much time to prepare for the written test after the prelims.
Therefore, while preparing for the prelims, the preparation for the written test should also be done little by little. Since the recruitment notice has been published a few days ago, it can be assumed that there will be some time available for the selection test.
Doing well in mathematics in bank recruitment exams means being ahead in the race to get a job. Therefore, from the beginning of preparation, additional emphasis should be given to mathematics.
Start preparing from the very basic level. For this, you have to do all the rules or types of mathematics, trigonometry part of the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth-tenth grade math books in phases. After that, if you have time, you can practice from the book ‘Basic Math’ a good quality publication in the market.
Jobs and competitive exam preparation Indian websites such as, and have come up with a lot of numbers in the past various exams. So it is very good if you can do the numbers of such websites. In this way, you will get a sense of how strong your grip on mathematics is. And of course, avoid the math shortcut method.
English: If you have a good grasp of grammar, you can do well in English. At the same time, you have to keep a lot of vocabulary in your head. Usually, there are questions on topics like Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogy, Fill in the blanks, Sentence correction, Sentence conversion/change, etc. Therefore, special emphasis should be laid on these topics while preparing for English subjects.
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In order to prepare for Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogy, you have to read well the questions that have come up in the past various bank exams. Regular English magazines, storybooks, or online articles can be read to learn more English words. Whenever you see a new or unfamiliar word, you have to look at the meaning in the dictionary and make a note in the notebook immediately. If you look at these words later in your leisure time, you will remember many words.
Most of the bank’s selection exams have traditional questions on Bengali. The question comes from these two parts of Bengali grammar and Bengali literature. One can follow any book in the market to do well in Bengali literature. The ninth and tenth-grade grammar board books are most effective for doing well in the grammar part.
In addition to this book, it is possible to do well in Bengali literature and Bangla grammar by reading the Bangla part of the questions of Bangla MP3 and various past exams of the bank.
Here Bank job question with solution
ICT: ICT is also more likely to have conventional and general questions. Read the book ‘Easy Computer’ and read the questions that came up in the past exams of different banks. You can visit the Examveda website for better preparation.
General Knowledge: In order to do well in general knowledge, one has to know contemporary issues. Read Current Affairs regularly. You need to keep a regular eye on various job-related groups on Facebook.
For Overall Preparation:
Collect the book ‘Government Bank Job Solution’ of good quality publication for overall preparation (all subjects) of the Bank Selection Test. The book is quite large; So completing it is a matter of time. However, if you read a little neatly according to the plan, proper preparation can be done in the time available. For this, you can divide the book into three or four parts.
Set a time to finish each part. Finish the specific part in that time as much as possible. First, remove the numbers from the various tests. Mark the important ones. And with the help of other books, solve the problems that will be difficult to understand. Thus read English, Bengali, computer, general knowledge part.
Preparation plans and routines: Reading the same subject throughout the day may get boring. So make a routine or schedule to decide when to read a topic of the day. However, it would not be right to read more than two subjects a day.
Such as math from morning to noon;
After bathing and eating at noon, you can take a break and read the details of the newspaper, which will increase your general knowledge. At night you can read any subject at your convenience and practice one Bengali to English and one English to Bengali translation. Before going to bed at night, be sure to try to remember what you read throughout the day.
Finish reading English semantics as soon as you wake up in the morning and revise these semantics every other day. Buy a smaller whiteboard and write down the more difficult semantics. Place the board in such a way that it is visible during the day’s study and other work. In this way, difficult semantics can be mastered very easily. Try to master ten-twenty or more words every day according to your ability.
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