E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)

E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition) সুপ্রিয় এইচএসসি ও এসএসসি শিক্ষার্থীরা তোমাদের ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের মধ্যে থাকা Composition অংশের গুরুত্ব একটি টপিকস E-mail writing লিখা। এখানে কিভাবে Formal E-mail লিখতে হবে তার বিস্তারিত বিবরণ দেওয়া হয়েছে। এবং অনুশীলনের জন্য ২২টি E-mail এর উত্তর রিপ্লাইসহ দিয়েছি। তাই এই পোষ্ট অনুসরণ করো।
পরীক্ষায় যেভাবে প্রশ্ন হতে পারে-
Suppose, your younger brother is going to participate in a debate competition. He has sent you the following
e-mail. Read the e-mail and write a reply to it.
“To: saim19@gmail.com
Subject: Information about creative questions
Dear brother,
You’ll be glad to know that I’m going to participate in a debate competition that will be held at our college auditorium next week. The topic of the debate is “Creative question pattern makes students dependent more on guides than textbooks”. I will debate against this statement. But I’m really worried as I couldn’t collect any information about it. I need your help very badly. I want to be the winner of the competition. Please, send me the necessary information concerning the pros and cons of the mentioned topic.
Thanking you.
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
পরীক্ষায় যেভাবে উত্তর করতে হবে-
Subject Re: Information about creative questions
Attach File: Creative question pattern.docx
Dear Jahir,
I’m glad that you are taking part in your college debate competition. You’re working on a good topic. It is indeed (প্রকৃতপক্ষে) a practical topic. You should visit the public library and search for the journals (সাময়িকী) and articles (4) related to your topic. You will find plenty of materials regarding the topic in newspapers as well. Moreover, you can take help from the internet. I’m sending you some information about the creative question patterns for your convenience. Please, see the file attached.
Hope you have a great competition. Best of luck.
Your loving brother,
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
E-mail লেখার নিয়মাবলি:
ই-মেইল হলাে ইলেকট্রনিক মেইল, (বৈদ্যুতিক ডাক) এর সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপ। এটি কম্পিউটার অথবা মুঠোফোনের মাধ্যমে বার্তা পাঠানাের একটি উপায়। ই-মেইল পাঠাতে এবং গ্রহণ করতে একটি ইন্টারনেট সংযােগসহ কম্পিউটার অথবা মুঠোফোন এবং একটি ই-মেইল ঠিকানা প্রয়ােজন। বর্তমানে আত্মীয়-স্বজন, বন্ধু-বান্ধব এবং কর্মক্ষেত্রের প্রয়ােজনে এমনকী অপরিচিতজনদের সঙ্গে যােগাযােগের ক্ষেত্রে একটি সুলভ, দ্রুত ও সহজ মাধ্যম হিসেবে ই-মেইল গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করছে।
ব্যক্তিগত তথ্যাদির নিরাপত্তা রক্ষার সুব্যবস্থা থাকায় ই-মেইল নির্ভরযােগ্য, সময়-সাশ্রয়ী ও নিরাপদ যােগাযােগ মাধ্যম হিসেবে জনপ্রিয়। ইন্টারনেটের মাধ্যমে বিশ্বের যে কোনাে প্রান্ত থেকে ই-মেইল ব্যবহার করা যায়।
তাই ব্যবসায়িক ক্ষেত্রে বিজ্ঞাপন এবং ক্রেতা-বিক্রেতাদের পারস্পরিক যােগাযােগ রক্ষার জন্য এবং দাপ্তরিক ক্ষেত্রে নিয়ােগকর্তা, কর্মচারী ও সহকর্মীদের সঙ্গে পারস্পরিক যােগাযােগ রক্ষা করার জন্য ই-মেইল সর্বাধিক ব্যবহৃত হয়ে থাকে। ব্যস্ত জীবনে স্বল্প সময়ে অনেকের সঙ্গে যােগাযােগ করা যায়। তাই ই-মেইল সামাজিকতা রক্ষার ক্ষেত্রেও খুবই কার্যকরী। আনুষ্ঠানিক বা অনানুষ্ঠানিক সব ধরনের চিঠিই ই-মেইল করা যায়। ই-মেইল এর মাধ্যমে শুধু Text নয়, Picture, Audio এবং Video-ও মুহূর্তের মধ্যেই প্রেরণ এবং গ্রহণ করা যায় ।
একটি ই-মেইল Compose page-এ কিছু চিহ্নিত বক্স অন্তর্ভুক্ত থাকে। সেগুলাের মাঝে অধিক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বক্সগুলাে নিচে একটি নমুনা ই-মেইল বার্তার মাধ্যমে বর্ণনা করা হলাে। নিচের ই-মেইল বার্তাটির দিকে তাকাও যা নিউ ইয়র্ক থেকে ঢাকায় রবি তার ছােট বােন ইতিকে পাঠিয়েছে এবং এর বিভিন্ন অংশ লক্ষ করাে।
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
ই-মেইল যেভাবে পাঠাতে হয়:
প্রথমে, তােমাকে ইয়াহু, গুগল, হটমেইল ইত্যাদির মতাে ওয়েবসাইটের মেইল সাইটে তােমার নিজস্ব ই-মেইল অ্যাকাউন্ট/ঠিকানা তৈরি করতে হবে। তােমার ই-মেইল অ্যাকাউন্টটি পাসওয়ার্ড দ্বারা সুরক্ষিত হওয়া উচিত যাতে কেউ এতে প্রবেশ করতে না পারে।
অন্যদের কাছে ই-মেইল পাঠাতে তােমার ই-মেইল পেইজটি খােলাে, তারপর নির্দেশনাগুলাে অনুসরণ করে একটি নতুন বার্তা লেখার জন্য একটি নতুন পেইজ খােলাে। ‘To’ চিহ্নিত ঘরটিতে তুমি যার কাছে বার্তাটি লিখছ, তার ই-মেইল ঠিকানা লেখাে। (ই-মেইলের ওপরের দিকে তাকাও।) তারপর নিচের খালি পেইজ-এ তােমার চিঠিটি লেখাে । ই-মেইল চিঠির ধরন আনুষ্ঠানিক অথবা অনানুষ্ঠানিক চিঠির মতােই।
একটাই মাত্র পার্থক্য এই যে, ই-মেইলে তােমাকে তােমার ডাক ঠিকানা এবং তারিখ লিখতে হয় না । ই-মেইল ঠিকানা এবং তারিখ স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে
তােমার চিঠির সংগে পাঠানাে হবে। অবশেষে, ‘Send’ চিহ্নিত ছােট বাটনটিতে ক্লিক করাে । তােমার ই-মেইল বার্তাটি এক মুহূর্তে কাঙ্ক্ষিত ব্যক্তির কাছে পৌছে যাবে।
E-mail লেখার গুরুত্বপূর্ণ টিপস
1. ই-মেইল সাধারণত অনানুষ্ঠানিক ধরন অনুসরণ করে, অর্থাৎ ই-মেইলের ভাষা অনানুষ্ঠানিক হতে পারে।
2.তুমি সম্মানসূচক অভিবাদন যেমন: Dear Sir/Madam এবং আন্তরিক অভিবাদন যেমন: Yours sincerely, Best wishes ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করতে পারাে। কিন্তু যদি তুমি ঘনিষ্ঠ ব্যক্তির কাছে লিখে থাকো তবে এই রকম আনুষ্ঠানিক ধরন ব্যবহার নাও করতে পারাে।
3. মনে করাে না যে তােমার কম্পিউটার স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে তােমার ব্যাকরণ, বানান, অক্ষর বিন্যাস এবং বিরামচিহ্ন সংশােধন করে দেবে। এটা তােমাকে নিজেই করতে হবে।
4. তােমার উচিত, ই-মেইল বার্তাটি সংক্ষিপ্ত ও সুনির্দিষ্ট রাখা। যদি প্রতিটি ই-মেইল একটি বিষয়ে সীমাবদ্ধ রাখে, তাহলে তুমি এটিকে সংক্ষিপ্ত রাখতে পারবে।
5. পরিশেষে, তােমার ই-মেইল বার্তাটি পাঠানাের আগে ভুল হয়েছে কিনা পরখ করে নাও।
এখানে NCTB-এর নমুনা প্রশ্নপত্র অনুসরণে প্রশ্নগুলাে দেওয়া হয়েছে। তােমার পরীক্ষার পূর্ণাঙ্গ প্রস্তুতির জন্য এ প্রশ্নগুলাে বেশি বেশি অনুশীলন করাে।
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
প্র্যাকটিস অংশ Question No.13 (Or) Writing E-mail
Formal E-mail
1. Suppose, you are a student of Bangladesh. Write an e-mail to the admission section, of Oxford University, asking them about the admission procedures for overseas students.
To: info@univ.ox.ac.uk
Subject: Request for admission information
Attention: Admission officer
Dear Sir,
I’m interested (aa) to get admission to your famous university in the Department of History. Would you please inform me how I could apply for admission into your university? Please, send me a catalog that mentions the admission procedure (ভর্তি পদ্ধতি), tuition fees, and school rules for the overseas (ভিনদেশি) students, etc.
I am looking forward (অপেক্ষা করা) to hearing from you.
Thanking you,
Iffat Sharmin Tithi
13 Bangabandhu Avenue,
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Tel: +88 02 XXXXXX
2. Suppose, you are the secretary of the internet library club of your college. Now, read the following email sent by an internet service providing company and write a reply requesting the company manager to provide you with internet facilities for the up-gradation of your library,
Dear Sir,
We are glad to inform you that our firm, ‘Bangladesh Internet Service Provider’ is ready to support and help in the up-gradation of internet service for the internet library of the educational institutions at a good price.So We have imported modern types of machinery from a foreign country for providing the best service. We here attach the price list for your further interest. Please, mail us if you need any internet-related service.
Sincerely yours,
P.B. Choudhury
Bangladesh Internet Service Provider
To: service@bisp.com
Subject: Upgradation of internet service
Dear Sir,
I have just received your e-mail in which you have shown interest to provide internet support in our college. Ours is a reputed college in the city providing standard education to the students. The college is expanding (fast and more students are getting admitted here.
So, we need an up-gradation of our internet library club. As mentioned (Carto) in the e-mail about your modem (আধুনিক) machinery (যন্ত্রপাতি) from foreign (বিদেশী) countries and the price list, I am hopeful (আশাবাদী) that you will be able to administrate the best internet service for our club. For this reason, I would request you to contact me soon to discuss (আলােচনা করা) the initiatives (উদ্যোগ).
Thanking you,
Shaheen Khan
Secretary, Internet Library Club, ‘X’ Govt. College
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
3. Suppose, you are a student of the Department of English, Dhaka University. You have received an e-mail from the Director of Bangla Academy to attend a seminar on language study. Now, write a reply to that e-mail.
To: director@banglaacademy.org
Subject: Acceptance of the invitation
Dear Sir,
I have just gone through your e-mail in which you have invited me to attend a seminar on language study on the Bangla Academy premises. First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me such an opportunity (সুযােগ) to be an audience (দর্শক) of such great speeches by language specialists (ভাষা বিশেষজ্ঞ). I am ensuring that I will definitely be present at the seminar.
The Department of English, University of Dhaka always encourages students to attend these types of seminars (116160 e) that offer a detailed overview of language expertise and further development (C) for language learning theories (59). Moreover, these programs on your premises have always been very informative and full of innovative (Estat) ideas. This time, I am expecting (ar) the same type of service from your academy as well.
Thanking you,
Shaheen Alam
4. An NGO named ‘Alokito Janapad’ is recruiting volunteers for helping the poor during the lockdown imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, write an email to the Project Coordinator of Alokito Janapad expressing your interest in being a part of their endeavor.
To: hasan.jamil@gmail.com
Subject: Expression of interest in rendering the voluntary service
Dear Sir,
I hope this finds you well. So I am writing to you to express my interest to be a part of the volunteers’ team that works the feeding the homeless people in Dhaka. I came to know about your venture from one of my friends, who works in that team. I am really amazed to know how much effort you are putting into helping the poor. Your organization is setting one of the best examples of humanity in a time like this.
I always cherished working to help the poor in any way possible. Though I have no previous experience of working in a team like this, I believe I can work with utmost dedication for the betterment of these helpless people in a team like this I request you to consider my plea and give me a chance to work with you. I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you soon. You can reach me at this number also: 01765-******
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Towhidul Islam
South Banasree, Dhaka
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
5. Suppose, you are the Admission Officer at Wellington College in the UK. Read the following e-mail and reply to it.
To: info@wellingtoncollege.org.uk
Subject: Request for information about admission
Attention: Admission officer
Dear Sir,
I’m interested (oriatât) to get admission to your college in Grade 11. Would you please inform me how I could apply for admission? Please, send me a catalog that mentions the admission procedure, tuition fees, school rules, etc.
I am looking forward to hearing from you
Thank you.
Nadira Mohsin
16 Shantinagar,
Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh
Tel: +88 02 XXXXXX
To: nadira.bd@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Request for information about admission
Attach File: Course and Program Catalog 2020-2021.
Dear Ms. Mohsin,
I’m glad (no) to know that you are interested to get admitted into our college. For your kind information, I’m sending you a catalog via e-mail where you will get the answers to your questions. All the necessary information is given in the catalog. Our session (forts) is starting in a few months. So, hurry up, please.
I hope you will like our college. Should you need more information, don’t hesitate to write to us.
With best wishes,
Nicole Freiz
Admission Officer
Wellington College, UK
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
6. Suppose, you are the Secretary of the Young Boys Cricket Club. Read the following e-mail sent by a sports dealer, and then write a reply requesting him to supply you with some sports materials for your club.
Subject: Sports materials available
Attach Files: The specification of products.
Attention: The Secretary
Dear Sir,
We are pleased to inform you that Dynamic Sports Company has recently produced some sports materials locally (etc). We supply these materials to different sporting clubs at reasonable prices. Besides, we ensure our clients supply the best quality products. We hereby attach the specification of our products for your further interest. Please contact us if you wish to get our products for your club.
Sincerely yours,
Romel Habib
Dynamic Sports Company
Stadium Market, Dhaka
To: dyn_sc@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Sports materials available
Dear Sir,
I am pleased to place the following order with you for our Sporting Club, Kindly send these materials by 20th instant. Please also see that the goods supplied by you are of good quality and in accordance with the specifications quoted by you earlier.
SL Item with description: Quantity
1. Cricket Bats: 1 dozen
2. Cricket Balls: 2 dozens
3. Keeping Gloves: 5 pairs
4. Cap: 5 dozens
The materials should be neatly packed and the parcel should be addressed to the President of the Club. Payment will be made immediately after the parcel is received.
Yours faithfully,
Absar Ahmed
Secretary, Young Boys’ Cricket Club
R.S.S Model College, Dhaka
7. Write an e-mail to the Deputy Commissioner of your district for arranging relief facilities for the flood-affected people.
To commissioner_thakurgaon@gmail.com
Subject: Arranging relief facilities for the flood-affected people
Attn: Deputy Commissioner
Dear Sir,
We would like to inform you that the recent flood has badly affected the Thakurgaon district. People have been suffering a lot. They have lost their houses and cattle. Diseases like diarrhea, cholera, flu, etc. have spread among them. They need food, pure drinking water, clothes, medicines, etc. If the government fails to provide these things at the moment, many people will die. Four people have already died, and many more are seriously ill. Your kind attention is required immediately in order to arrange relief for these helpless people.
We hope that you would take the necessary steps to arrange relief facilities for the flood-affected people as soon as possible (যত দ্রুত সম্ভব).
Thanking you.
Sincerely yours
Rehnuma Aftab
On behalf of the people of Thakurgaon
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
8. You are the manager of Evergreen Grocery Shop. Write an e-mail to the production manager of Pran Foods Ltd requesting him to supply you with some food items for your shop.
To: sales@pran.com.bd
Subject: Request to supply some food items
Attn: Production Manager
Dear Sir,
We have been corporate partners for the last five years. The products we have been purchasing from your company are excellent in quality and service our customers best. That’s why our valued customers are always interested in the items of Pran Foods Ltd. Now, we are happy to inform you that we need the following Pran Foods Ltd. items:
Beverage item:
Max Cola 200 pieces
Cheer up: 150 pieces
Biscuit item:
Tiktok biscuits: 20 cartons
Bisk Club Funcrack: 20 cartons
Dairy item:
Butter 50 pieces
Milk Liquid: 50 packets
Milkman Slim Milk: 20 packets
I believe you would take the necessary steps to dispatch the above mentioned items at the earliest, and earnestly hope to continue a good business relationship with you in the future.
Yours truly,
Minhajul Abedin
Manager, Evergreen Grocery Shop
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
9. Suppose, you are Tamim/Tahmina Ahmed, a resident of Rajshahi Metropolitan. Now, write an email to the Metropolitan Police Insurance commissioner asking for permission to arrange a human chain against the dowry system.
To: rmpc@rmp.gov.bd
Subject: Permission to arrange a human chain against the dowry system
Attn: Metropolitan Police Commissioner
Dear Sir,
A large number of women in Bangladesh suffer from domestic violence due to the practice of the dowry system, and this situation is getting worse in recent times, Many married women in our country experience repercussions due to the unethical demands of dowry by the in-laws. Reshma, a housewife, was admitted to Rajshahi Medical Hospital yesterday. She was severely beaten by her husband and in-laws as she was unable to bring more dowries from her parents.
We, the common residents of the Rajshahi Metropolitan area, feel that the laws for women’s rights should be enforced strictly. So We would also like to make people aware of this issue by arranging a protest in the form of the human chain as a statement against the dowry system. We want to arrange it for next Friday from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Hence, we request you to give us permission to arrange the human chain on Friday and oblige thereby.
Tamim/Tahmina Ahmed
10. As a Principal, considering the request of “Setting up an ICT Lab in College” by the students, give a response e-mail to the students’ representative describing him/her “Setting up an ICT Lab is in Progress”.
To: sujan.mahmood@gmail.com
Subject: Rep: Setting up an ICT Lab in the College
Dear Sujan Mahmood,
With regard to your request on behalf of the general students and a subsequent application to me for setting up an ICT lab in the college, the managing committee of the institution sat in a meeting yesterday to discuss the matter.
I strongly highlighted the necessity of a laboratory for practical and wide-ranging usage of information and communication technology (ICT) tools in the college. The management has agreed with me. Therefore, the setting up of an ICT lab is in progress.
With best wishes,
AKM Anisuzzaman Akand
Principal, XYZ College
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
11. Write an email to the President of Dhaka University Debating Society asking for details of a debate competition.
To: duds@du.edu.bd all
Subject: Information about debate competition
Attn: President, Dhaka University Debating Society
Dear Sir,
I am a student at the University of Dhaka studying in the Department of English. Recently, I have seen a notice about a debate competition which is going to be held next month on our campus. I’m highly interested to take part in this competition.
Now, I want to learn more about it, such as – the rules and regulations, probable topics, registration procedure and fee, the deadline, the schedules, etc. I would be obliged if you kindly send me an online booklet about the competition or tell me the way to collect such information.
For your kind information, I took part in various national and communal debate competitions in my school and college and won several awards and certificates, I hope to do well in this competition too.
Yours truly,
Sabrin Mehrima
Department of English
University of Dhaka
12. Suppose, you are an English teacher. You want to attend the training program organized by Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association on 18-22 August 2019. Write an e-mail to the President of BELTA requesting him to give you an opportunity.
To: belta04@yahoo.com
Subject: Permission to attend teachers’ training program
Attn: The President
Dear Sir,
I came to know that BELTA is going to organize a training program for English teachers from 18 to 22 August. I am very much interested to attend the program as I want to enrich my knowledge and skill in English language teaching. 1 will be highly grateful (অত্যন্ত কৃতজ্ঞ) if you give me an opportunity (সুযোেগ) to attend (যােগদান করা) the program.
With thanks,
Suraiya Khanam
English Teacher, ‘X’ Govt. College
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
13. Suppose, you’re Meena. You’ve booked an air ticket to visit India. But for some personal problems you want to cancel the booking. Now, write an e-mail to the Director of the Travel Agency to cancel the ticket.
To: director@abctravelagency.com.bd
Subject: Cancellation of India-bound ticket
Attn: The Director
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that I had booked (facade ost) an air ticket to visit India the day before yesterday, that is, on 6 April. Unfortunately, I have to postpone my trip due to some personal issues. Please, do me the favour and cancel the ticket (ticket no. FR3342) as soon as possible. If required, I am ready to pay compensation.
I hope that you would be kind enough to cancel my ticket and oblige thereby.
Yours faithfully,
Jannatul Moa Meena
14. Write an e-mail to the manager of a bank for cancelling a cheque.
To: manager@iccibank.com.bd
Subject: Cancellation of a cheque
Attn: The Manager, ICCI Bank Ltd (Motijheel Branch)
Dear Sir,
I issued an Account Payee cheque (number BB 33098860) to Mr. Fazle Rabbi on 23 October 2029 of taka 30,000/-. Unfortunately, I have to cancel it on a personal ground. Please, do not deposit the money to the payee’s account from my account. If required, you can call me and confirm (নিশ্চিত হওয়া) it. In the past, I got excellent service from you. I hope and believe that our business relationship with your bank will grow further in the future.
Thanking you,
Jahin Sarker
Account number: 119.99882.00443
Branch: Motijheel
15. Write an e-mail to the railway booking clerk asking him to reserve a seat for you.
To: info@bangladeshrailway.com.bd
Subject: Reservation of seat
Attn: Reservation Officer
Dear Sir,
I’m willing to go to Chattogram from Kamalapur, Dhaka by the Sonar Bangla Express on 20 August 2029. I’d be grateful (ute) to you if you kindly reserve (77%) a 1″ class seat for me. I’d pay the ticket price by money order or by cash (নগদ) on the day of departure (বহির্গমন).
I hope you would be kind enough to do the needful for me and oblige thereby.
Yours truly,
Sadia Noor Ishita
Phone: 017XXXXXXXX
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
16. Suppose, Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation has advertised in the newspaper offering a tour to Cox’s Bazar sea beach. Now, write an e-mail to the Director of the Corporation asking for details of the tour.
To: director_parjatan@gmail.com
Subject: Request for information about Cox’s Bazar tour
Dear Sir,
I’ve come to know from a newspaper advertisement that Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation is offering a tour to Cox’s Bazar sea beach. Now, I would like to learn more about the tour. Please let me know where visitors are going to stay at night. Will we get the chance to go to St. Martin’s Island on this tour? As I am planning to go with a group of students, I would also like to know if you are offering any discount for students.
1, therefore, request you to give me the details of the questions above and help me to have a pleasant (আনন্দদায়ক) tour.
Sincerely yours,
Naimul Rashid
17. Suppose, you are the Director of the Language Club of your college. Read the following e-mail sent by the Manager of Asha Book House, and then write a reply requesting him to supply you with some books.
To: director_lc@yahoo.com
Subject: New books available
Attach File: A list of newly stocked materials
Dear Sir,
We are pleased to inform you that Asha Book House has recently stocked a number of books on the English Language including CDs and DVDs for the different levels of learners. So We would like to assure you that these materials would be really effective for speaking and listening practice. We supply these materials to educational institutes and other language clubs at a reasonable price . We hereby attach a list of newly stocked materials. Please contact us if you wish to get our language practice materials for your institution.
Sincerely yours,
Jakir Hossain
Asha Book House
Nilkhet, Dhaka
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
To: ABH. jakir@gmail.com
Subject: Re: New books available
Dear Sir.
I am pleased to place the following order with you for our newly established Language Club, Kindly send these materials by 25 instant. Please also see that the materials supplied (1976) by you are of the latest version and free from any type of damage.
SL Item with description: Quantity
1. Cambridge IELTS Book 1: 2 dozen
2. DVD: 5 pcs
3. Oxford Dictionary: 2 dozen
4. Practical English Usage: 5 pcs.
by Michael Swan
The materials should be neatly packed and the parcel should be addressed to the Principal of the College. Payment will be made immediately after the parcel is received.
Yours faithfully,
Tonmoy Ahmed
Director, Language Club
R.S. S Model College, Dhaka
18. Suppose, you want to open a bank account in Agrani Bank. Now, write an e-mail to the Manager of this bank about it.
To: manager agranibank@gmail.com
Subject: Procedure for opening a bank account
Dear Sir,
I would like to inform you that I am a student at Dhaka College. For various purposes (Times), I need to receive money from my parents every month. But I don’t have any account with any bank. So, I want to know the procedure for opening a bank account. I would be very grateful if you provide the detailed information, and thus, help me in opening an account in your bank.
Thanking you,
Rashidul Haq
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
19. Suppose, you love to participate in a creative writing competition. Now, write an e-mail to the Ekushey Organization expressing your wish to take part in their essay writing competition.
Το: ekusheyorg.bd@yahoo.com
Subject: The essay writing competition
Dear Sir,
I read about your essay writing competition in the newspaper yesterday. So I am interested in taking part in this competition. Now I have always been very enthusiastic ) about writing. I frequently write stories and articles ) for my own enjoyment and find great pleasure in writing. I participated in a few essay writing competitions and won titles. Thus, I am very confident that I would do well in your essay writing competition as well.
I hope that you would allow me to take part in the essay writing competition, Please, do let me know some more details about the program.
Sincerely yours,
Afrin Jahan
20. Suppose, you are a resident of Chandpur town. In your area, anti-social activities have increased manifold over the last few months. Now, write an e-mail to the officer in charge of your police station to take appropriate steps.
To: chandpur.ps@gmail.com
Subject: Anti-social activities increased in Chandpur
Attn: Officer in charge, Chandpur Police Station
Dear Sir,
1, Antu Mazumdar, am a resident of Chandpur town. I am writing this e-mail to inform you that anti-social activities in this area have increased manifold over the last few months. There have been frequent incidences of smuggling, theft, and snatching over the last few months. After dusk, it is dangerous for us to go outside because most of the anti-social activities happen at night. The people engaged in these activities are drug-addicted. Last month, robbers came and broke out into many houses. All of them were armed. They robbed 4 houses, and in this incident, few people were injured. No one is arrested so far. And now, we do not feel safe here. I hope that you would look into this matter and take proper steps immediately.
Respectfully yours,
Antu Mazumdar
On behalf of the residents of Chandpur town, Chandpur
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
21. Suppose, you are the Secretary of the Computer Club of your college. Write an e-mail to a computer accessories dealer requesting him to supply some computer accessories for your college.
To: megabyteitltd@gmail.com
Subject: Supply of Computer Accessories
Dear Manager,
I would like to inform you that the computer club of our college is going to buy some computer accessories very soon. Our college always has the pleasure to buy computers and other spare parts from your shop. You have been always cooperative (tags) in this regard by supplying us with the original parts of computers at different times. So, I would be very glad if you supply us with the following items.
i) Five mouses
ii) Five keyboards
iii) Five DVD ROM
Thanking you.
Abhishek Chowdhury
Secretary, Computer Club
ABC College, Dhaka
22. Suppose, you are the Sales Officer at Pioneer Electronics Bangladesh. Read the following e-mail and reply to it.
To: sales@pioneerbd.com
Subject: An order for a DVD player (model no. C6511)
Attn: The Sales Officer
Dear Sir,
It is great to be an online customer of Pioneer Electronics Bangladesh. Today, while going through your website, the Pioneer DVD player (model no. AC6511) caught my attention. Now, I am eager to buy this product. Please send me the product to the following address along with the receipt and other necessary documents.
I hope Pioneer Electronics Bangladesh will always support me and send the best products in due time.
Thanking you,
Raqib Ahmed.
21/A Segun Bagicha, Dhaka
Cell phone: 017-XXX XXX XX
E-mail writing for HSC SSC BSc Honours(English 2nd Paper composition)
To: raqib_bd@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: An order for a DVD player (model no. C6511)
Dear Mr. Raqib,
We’re glad to learn that the Pioneer DVD player (model no, C6511) has caught your attention. We’ve accepted all your orders duly, So You will receive the product along with the necessary documents within 2 working days at your doorstep, Now We believe that our relationship will bloom, and we will be able to serve you further in the future.
Yours truly,
Habib Hasan
Sales Officer
Pioneer Electronics Bangladesh
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