Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf : Every level of examinees and Specially HSC level students can follow your best practice and exam.

Writing Informal Letters
তোমাদের অনুশীলনের জন্য এখানে সাম্প্রতিক বিষয়াবলিসহ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু Informal Letter দেওয়া হলো। পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতির জন্য এগুলো অনুশীলন করা জরুরি।
1. Suppose, you are Subarna and your friend is Meherrin. Your parents have been vaccinated for COVID-19, and you yourself did the registration for them. Now, write a letter to your friend explaining the process of online registration for the vaccination of her parents.
26 June 2029
Rampura, Dhaka
Dear Meherrin,
I hope you’re doing fine by the grace of the Almighty. I received your letter a few days ago. You wanted to know about the online registration process for COVID-19 vaccination for your parents. I’ll try to brief you as much as I can. I did the registration for my parents’ vaccination. Registering for vaccination is very easy. In order to register, you need a computer or smartphone with an internet connection and National Identity Card. First of all, you have to go to www.surokkha.gov.bd or log in to the Surokkha app from your smartphone.
Then you need to go to the registration section and fill in the form with the necessary information. You also have to provide a cell phone number. Once you provide all the information and submit the form, a confirmation message will be sent to your cell phone.
Later, the date of vaccination and the name of the center will also be sent to that number. After registering successfully, you need to download the vaccine card from the site or the app. On the specific date, you have to be present at the center with the vaccine card and the NID card to receive the vaccine. After taking two shots,
you will be able to download the vaccine certificate from the site or the app.
Please, register yourself and get vaccinated. Stay safe.
Your friend,
MA Subarna
* Draw an envelope and write the full addresses of the writer and the addressee.
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf
2. Write a letter to your friend explaining the importance of the COVID-19 vaccine.
444 South Goran
Dhaka 1219
12 June 2029
Dear Mustak,
I hope you’re safe and sound. How are your parents doing? I heard from you that they were scared about getting vaccinated for COVID-19. You must convince them that it is absolutely safe as millions of people all over the world are getting vaccinated.
It, however, is understandable why your parents are scared. There are some side effects of COVID-19 shots.
However, they’re very negligible as almost all the vaccines have some sort of minor side effects like a sore muscle, light fever, or weakness. These are even signs that the vaccine is actually working. In fact, there are a number of benefits of being vaccinated. All the vaccines are safe and effective as they are already clinically trialed. COVID-19 vaccines can also prevent you from becoming seriously ill even if you get the disease.
By getting vaccinated yourself, you also protect the people around you. Vaccination is a safer way to develop immunity. There are, so far, five COVID-19 vaccines of four different countries administered in Bangladesh. The five vaccines are AstraZeneca (England), Moderna (America), Pfizer (Germany), Sinovac (China), and Sinopharm (China). They can give from 62 percent to 95 percent protection.
Hence, you and your family members should get vaccinated as soon as possible and stay tension free. Take care of yourself and keep in touch.
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf
3. Suppose, one of your close relatives tested positive for COVID-19. However, he has recovered now. Now, write a letter to your friend sharing with him/her the terrible experience you have gone through.
45/D, Banani, Dhaka
19 October 2029
Dear Proma,
How’re you? I hope you’re safe from COVID-19. We’re well now but we went through a terrible situation a few days ago. It’s because my uncle tested positive for COVID-19. It all began when my uncle returned from the USA. At the quarantine camp, he was tested positive for COVID-19. When his health condition worsened, he was taken to the ICU the hospital. We panicked that we might lose him. This critical situation was turned into a nightmare by our neighbors. They spread a rumor that we, the other family members, had the disease too. They were telling people that our house was being haunted by the coronavirus and whoever came to our house would die. We’re almost abandoned and excluded from society.
We couldn’t even go out to buy daily necessities and medicines. Most inhumanely, people didn’t want to sell things to us. We were taunted and humiliated. We didn’t get any mental support from anybody when we needed it the most. Anyway, my uncle has now fully recovered by the grace of the Almighty. But the memory of those days still haunts us.
No more today. Please, keep us in your prayers. Give my best regards to your parents and stay safe and sound.
Yours ever,
* Draw an envelope and write the full addresses of the writer and the addressee.
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf
4. Suppose, your friend Arnob has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and you have come to know about his illness. Now, write a telling him what he should do to come round soon.
Jatrabari, Dhaka
01 July 2029
Dear Arnob,
It’s really shocking to me that you’ve been diagnosed with COVID-19. Yet, I’d like to advise you not to panic. COVID-19 is just like the flu with some exceptions. It’s truly relaxing to know that your condition is good enough to treat you from home. As you are staying at home, you need to follow some rules and take measures to come around soon. First of all, follow the prescription of your doctor. Take proper rest and drink as much liquid as possible. Don’t go outside, rather isolate yourself from your family members so that they cannot get the disease. Monitor yourself properly. If your symptoms get worse, call your doctor right away. Besides, cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow. In fact,
I think you should always wear a mask and clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with
soap and water. Don’t share dishes, cups, eating utensils, towels, or bedding with anyone else. Most importantly, eat a healthy diet rich in Vitamin C and do some light exercise to strengthen your immune system. Don’t lie on your back as it may reduce the amount of oxygen in your body. Try to stay cheerful to have mental strength.
Thus you can recover quickly and also protect your family and friends from getting infected.
Don’t worry. I pray to the Almighty for your quick recovery. Don’t lose heart. It’s just a disease. Everything will be alright soon.
Your friend,
* Draw an envelope and write the full addresses of the writer and the addressee.
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf
5. Suppose, you are Aryan of 12 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Shahbagh, Dhaka. Your friend Areeb of 12/7, Sholoshohor, Chattogram is very afraid of English. Now, write a letter to him describing how to improve in English.
12 Mirpur Road
Shahbagh, Dhaka
23 January 2029
Dear Areeb,
I received your letter yesterday. In your letter, you talked about your weakness in English. You have also asked me for some suggestions on how to improve my English. Here I go with my suggestion. In order to learn English well, you have to acquire all the four skills of English, which are reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
First, you should attend your English classes regularly and listen to your teachers attentively. You should also watch English programs on TV and listen to the English programs on the radio. All of these will improve your listening skill. Secondly, you should speak in English with your English teacher, and interact with family members and friends for daily activities. Self-talk in English also helps a lot in developing speaking skills. Thirdly, to improve your reading skill, you should often read and try to understand story books, illustrated books, daily or weekly English newspapers, etc.
While reading, if you fail to understand the meanings of some new words, you should try to guess (a) their meanings from the context (e). If you can’t, you should look them up in a good dictionary. You should also practice ‘Reading Comprehensions’, cloze passages, etc. Besides, you have to study grammar for developing writing skills. Then, you should regularly write paragraphs, compositions, etc. off-hand and get them checked by your English teachers. Furthermore, you can keep a diary and write a few pages every day. These things will improve your writing skill. By doing the above activities, you can improve your English skills.
I hope to hear from you soon. Convey my best regards to your parents. Take care.
Yours ever,
* Draw an envelope and write the full addresses of the writer and the addressee.
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf
6. Imagine, you are Nibir living at Oxford Mission Road, Barishal. You have a pen-friend, Alice who lives at 10 Park Street, U.S.A. He wants to know about Bangladesh. Now, write a letter to your friend describing your country.
Oxford Mission Road
10 April 2029
Dear Alice,
How’re you doing? It’s really delightful to hear from you after a long time. It made me happy that you wanted to know about our country and its people. Here I am writing about it in brief. I’ll begin with the geographical position () of this small country. It is a South-Asian country surrounded (বেষ্টিত) by India on three sides and by the Bay of Bengal on the south. Its area is 1,47,570 square kilometers where about 160 million people live. Our country achieved independence in 1971.
Bangladesh is enriched with scenic beauty. The longest sea beach in the world Cox’s Bazar, the largest mangrove forest in the world Sundarbans, and the evergreen tea gardens of Sylhet are world-famous tourist spots in our country.
We have a rich cultural tradition (fo). Our literature and arts are very much developed and they have earned international recognition.
The people of Bangladesh are very hard working as well as ready to face any obstacles. We are also very hospitable (অতিথিপরায়ণ ). And we are happy when we have a guest in our home and try our best to entertain (আপ্যায়ন ) the guest. We are a peace-loving nation. People of different religions live here together in harmony.
That is all about my country. I would love to know about the USA. Write me soon.
With love,
* Draw an envelope and write the full addresses of the writer and the addressee.
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf
7. Suppose, you are Nasim/Nasima of 50 Kajal Shah, Sylhet-3100. You have a best friend named Salam/Salma who lives at 30 Pallabi, Ali Para, Sunamgonj-3070. S/he is a chain smoker. You know that smoking is a bad habit and it causes many fatal illness. Now, write a letter to your friend advising him/her to give up smoking.
50 Kajal Shah
January 2029
My dear Salam,
Hope you are well by the grace of Allah. Recently, from a reliable source, I have come to know that you have developed the habit of smoking. I am shocked to hear this. Smoking is surely dangerous for
your health. A chain smoker can never do anything properly and becomes a slave to addiction. It will lead you to various problems. A puff of a cigarette is full of poisonous elements that are very harmful to both your mental and physical health. So, I request you to give up smoking as soon as possible. Please be serious and give it up. I pray to Allah that He may help you to get rid of this bad habit.
No more today. Convey my best compliments (af) to your parents and affection to the youngers.
Your loving friend,
* Draw an envelope and write full addresses of the writer and the addressee.
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf
8. Suppose, you are Anik/Anika. You received a letter from your father yesterday. In the letter, he warned you not to spend much time in Facebook. Now, write a reply to his letter.
189 Church Road
Girza Moholla, Barishal.
May 18, 2022
Dear Father,
Hope this letter will find you well and in good health. I am also doing great. Yesterday, I received a letter from you in which you warned me not to spend too much time on Facebook. I appreciate your concern very much. At the same time, I want to ensure you that I am not spending much time on Facebook as I am preparing myself for the upcoming exam. I know the negative effects of spending too much screen time, especially on Facebook. I want to do my best in my exam, so, in the last few days, I have stopped using Facebook totally. You don’t have to worry about me at all as I am not letting Facebook take my time and hamper my studies.
Take my regards and give my love to mother and my siblings. Please tell them to write me soon. I am really looking forward to hearing all their news.
Your loving son,
* Draw an envelope and write full addresses of the writer and the addressee.
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf
9. Imagine, you are Isam/Isha of 2 Shyamoli Road, Dhaka 1207. You have a pen-friend, Zeson who lives at 9 Derriford Road, Plymouth PLG 8 BH, UK. He wants to know about Bangladeshi food. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the foods and food habits in Bangladesh.
2 Shyamoli Road, Dhaka-1207
2 February 2029
Dear Zeson,
I received your letter the day before yesterday. In your letter, you’ve wanted to know about the foods and food habits in Bangladesh. I’m writing to you about them in short. The food habit of the people of one country differs from that of other countries. The Bangladeshis have some special food habits. Usually, we take three meals a day-breakfast, lunch and dinner. Rice is our staple food. We are fond of fishes and ‘Hilsa’ is the most favourite of all fishes.
Traditionally, we are called ‘the nation of fish and rice’. Chicken, beef and mutton are also our favourite dishes. People commonly eat rice with vegetables, fish or meat curry and pulses. On occasions, we like to have khichuri, polao and biryani, etc. Tea is the most popular drink in our country. We like to have seasonal fruits. Our favourite fruits come in thousands of varieties. but jackfruits, mangoes and bananas are the most popular. Besides, the Bangladeshis are fond of different kinds of ‘pithas’ and ‘payesh.’ Pithas like “patisapta’, ‘bhapa’, ‘chitai’ are some of the most favourite ones. They are made on different occasions (উপলক্ষে).
No more today. Please write to me soon about the foods and food habits in the UK.
Lovingly yours,
* Draw an envelope and write full addresses of the writer and the addressee.
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf
10. Suppose, you are Nafi/Amat. You are an examinee of the coming HSC Examination. Write a letter to your father telling him about your progress of studies.
10 Green Road, Dhaka
28 January 2029
Dear Father,
I received your letter this morning. You have wanted to know about my progress of studies. It seems to me that you’re very worried about my coming examination. Don’t worry, dad. You will be very happy to know that I have already gone through all my subjects. My preparation in Bangla, English, General Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology is fairly well. I had some problems in Higher Mathematics.
However, I have overcome them with the help of my math teacher. I am now solving the test papers with great confidence. I consult with my teachers whenever any problem arises. My English teacher is very happy with my progress in English. I hope I can make a very good result in my coming HSC exam. Don’t worry. Pray for me.
No more today. Convey my best compliments to mother.
Your loving son,
* Draw an envelope and write full addresses of the writer and the addressee.
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf
11. Suppose, you are Monir/Monira living at Kachua, Chandpur, and a student of Chandpur Govt. College. Your friend, Nazim/Nazma is a rural student living at Kaptai, Rangamati. He/She wants to know about the co-curricular activities of your college. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your college.
Kachua, Chandpur
6 January 2029
Dear Nazim,
My heartiest compliments to you. Hope that you are hale and hearty. In your last letter, you wanted to know about the extra-curricular and co-curricular activities of my college. You know that I am lucky to study in such a big and famous college, which offers us facilities to learn a lot of things besides studies. We can depend on our teachers not only for study matters but also for matters related to our interests.
Some of them run (f) activity clubs in the college. The clubs are places where one can go and pursue (offeet) his or her hobby. I am a member of the debating club. We practice debating within the club and arrange debating competitions among classes and among other colleges as well. Our English teacher, who runs this club, not only guides us in writing good speeches but also shows us how to present them.
Our college arranges essay competitions and book reading competitions. Besides, the students enjoy hockey and football as extra-curricular activities. Teachers consult with the students on personal level and encourage them to work more and more. The students of this college learn not only for examinations but also for life. In short, I can tell you, studying in this college is a great experience. Along with the regular study, we can develop our extra-curricular abilities as well.
I guess you are planning to shift to a new college. If you ask for suggestions from me, I will recommend my college without any hesitation.
With best wishes,
* Draw an envelope and write full addresses of the writer and the addressee.
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf
12. Imagine, you are Mahmud of 12 College Road, Mymensingh. Recently, you got a letter from your friend, Tamim who lives at 7 Mymensingh Road, Dhaka, asking you what you would like to do after your HSC Examination, Now, write a letter to your friend telling him about it.
12 College Road
3 January 2029
Dear Tamim,
I hope you are passing a happy day. In your last letter, you wanted to know what I would do after my HSC Examination. I will get a three-month vacation after my HSC Exam. And i have made up my mind to go to my village at that time. I will open an adult literacy center there. And I will try my best to remove their illiteracy even knowing that it would be a tough job. I will also make them aware of the rules of health and sanitation.
Besides, I will try to make them free from prejudices and superstitions. I will also try to make them aware of the bad effects of early marriage on their daughters and of gender disparity (লিঙ্গ বৈষম্য) I will do these things for about 2 months. Then, I will visit my uncle’s place. I have also an intention () to visit Cox’s Bazar and Sylhet.
These are in short, what I would like to do after the HSC Exam. Please let me know what you would like to do then.
With best regards to your parents and love to the younger ones.
Yours ever,
* Draw an envelope and write the full addresses of the writer and the addressee.
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf
13. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her how you spent the last summer vacation.
Plot No. 15
Block-C, Road-3
Pallabi, Mirpur, Dhaka
10 April 2029
Dear Tina,
I hope, everything is fine at your end. Today, I’m going to tell you how I spent my summer vacation. I had a summer vacation of fifteen days. So, I went to my native village with my parents to see my grandparents and uncles. I ate a lot of fresh summer fruits produced in our orchard and enjoyed the days a lot. But I was not only idling away my free time, I actually exploited my vacation in the true sense.
You will be glad to know that I had gathered almost 20 illiterate villagers of my village in the backyard of our house and taught them many things.
My local friends and cousins also helped me in this regard. We taught them about hygiene, sanitary latrine, population problem, early marriage, dowry, the necessity of education, female education, and scientific ways of producing crops. We also showed them a number of documentary films and video clips with the help of a multimedia projector. The villagers were very pleased and thankful. They requested us to organize more such programs in the future.
No more today. Tender my regards to your honorable parents.
Yours ever,
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf
14. Suppose, you are Hasan/Hasna living in Natore. Your friend, Nabil/Nabila lives in Chattogram. He/she made an excellent result in the last HSC Examination and that result impressed you greatly. Now, write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her success in the exam.
5 Azimuddin Road, Natore
1 June 2029
Dear Nabil,
Many thanks for your letter. I am very happy to know that you have cut a brilliant figure in the last examination. My joy knew no bounds when I heard this great news. I congratulate you on your good result. But remember, this is not all. You have to go a long way to be successful in life. Perseverance and industry are the roots of success.
For this, you have to study hard to reach your goal. You should not remain satisfied with what you have achieved. You must carry on your studies on a regular basis so that there can be no lack of concentration. I do hope and believe that you will be able to incarnate your dream. May Allah bless you.
No more today. Convey my regards to your parents and love to your youngers.
With love,
* Draw an envelope and write the full addresses of the writer and the addressee.
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf
15. Suppose, you have come to know that your younger brother keeps bad company. He is gradually going to the dogs. Now, write a letter to your younger brother telling him about the bad effects of keeping evil company.
105 Shantinagar, Dhaka
March 6, 2029
Dear Rabbi
I hope you are hale and hearty in your school hostel. I am also keeping well. But I have heard that you are not keeping good company around you. It is, indeed, bad news for me. In your last annual exam, you did not perform well. Your marks were visibly poor. I believe the main reason for this demotion is the bad company you are keeping.
The people you are having around these days are not attentive to your studies. Studying hard and gaining knowledge are not their concerns. Also, some of them are heavily addicted to smoking. Some of them do not go to school regularly. If you keep on continuing mixing with them, it will affect your studies further. You will also develop bad habits like smoking, bunking classes, being irregular in the classes, etc. So, I would request you to stay away from evil company.
No more today. Write to me soon.
Your loving brother,
* Draw an envelope and write the full addresses of the writer and the addressee.
Writing Informal Letter For SSC HSC Degree BCS Pdf
16. Suppose, you are Shuvro. Write a letter to your foreign pen-friend describing to him the tourist attractions of your country.
121 Kazi Nazrul Avenue
24 April 2029
Dear Hayato,
Take my love. I received your letter yesterday. It was a pleasure to receive your letter after so many days. You have wanted to know about the tourist attractions of my country. Now, I’m writing to you about it.
Bangladesh is a small country but it has many attractive places. The whole of Bangladesh is gifted with greenery. The most attractive places are the world’s largest mangrove forest ‘the Sundarbans’, the longest sea beach in the world ‘the Cox’s Bazar’, the Shat Gambuj Masjid, Kuakata, and the hill tracts of Chattogram, Rangamati, Bandarban and Khagrachori, etc.
You will be amazed to see the historical places of Bangladesh as they bear testimony to many age-old cultures and incidents. The tea gardens of Sreemangal and Sylhet are very nice to look at. There are waterfalls in Moulvibazar and Sitakundu. So, the natural beauty of forests, rivers, falls, and sea beaches attract tourists from home and abroad.
Here are also many important places to visit. The capital city, Dhaka is the center of culture, education, and business. In Dhaka, there are many beautiful tourist attractions such as Lalbag Fort, Ahsan Manjil, the National Assembly, the Navo Theatre, the National Museum, and the Zoo. Chattogram is the port city and gateway (e) of Bangladesh.
However, the most thrilling spots of enjoyment are the rivers of Bangladesh and the cruise on them.
I cordially invite you to come to our country and dazzle your eyes seeing these beautiful things.
With love,
Draw an envelope and write the full addresses of the writer and the addressee.
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