Letter Writing for SSC HSC

Letter Writing for SSC HSC
প্রিয় এসএসসি শিক্ষার্থীবৃন্দ, তোমাদের English Second Paper -এর composition অংশে Academic letter (Formal Letter ) / E-mail লিখতে হয়।
সেই বিষয়টি মাথায় রেখে আজকের এই বিশাল লিখাটি ।
আরো পড়ুনঃ
এখানে বিস্তারিত আলোচনা করা হয়েছে কিভাবে তোমরা Academic letter ( Formal Letter) লিখবে।
সাথে সাথে ২০টি Academic letter ( Formal Letter ) এর উত্তরসহ দেওয়া হয়েছে। এটির মাধ্যমে তোমরা ব্যাপকভাবে অনুশীলন করতে পারবে।
পোষ্টের একবারে নিচে প্রায় ১০০ এর বেশি Academic letter ( Formal Letter ) সম্বলিত একটি PDF version -এর ফাইল দেওয়া হয়েছে।
সেখান থেকে যতখুশি তত প্র্যাকটিস করতে পারবে।
Letter Writing for SSC HSC
Academic letter(Formal Letter )
পরীক্ষায় যেভাবে প্রশ্ন হয়
Imagine, you are a student of Joynagar College, Faridpur. The whole area has gone under floodwater. People are suffering from a lack of food and outbreak of diseases. You want to open a rélief camp for the affected people. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college asking for permission to open a relief camp in your college building.
পরীক্ষায় যেভাবে উত্তর করতে হয়
06 August 2029
The Principal Joynagar College Faridpur
Subject: Application for permission to open a relief camp
This is to inform you that our locality has been affected by a devastating flood. The area has been underwater for the last 7 days, and it is likely to continue for some more days. A large number of people have been affected. Some of them have become homeless and have taken shelter on the streets. They have no food to eat Moreover, diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, fever, cough, etc. have broken out.
The children and the old are the worst sufferers. We have spoken to a number of well-off persons in our village, and they are willing to help the Nood victims with money, food, clothing, medicine, etc. However, we need a place to accommodate them for a few days. As our college is closed now, we can use the building for this purpose. Therefore, we request you to allow us to open a relief camp in our college building for the flood-affected people.
Yours sincerely,
Hasan Monsur Rol no. 1,
On behalf of the students of Joynagar College
Letter Writing for SSC HSC
Formal Letter কী?
Formal letter বা আনুষ্ঠানিক পত্র বলতে সাধারণত কোনাে কিছু প্রার্থনা করে লিখিত দরখাস্তকে বােঝানাে হয়।
এখন Formal Letter লেখার নিয়ম :
1: তারিখ (Date) : পত্রের শুরুতে ওপরে বামপাশে পত্রের তারিখ উল্লেখ করতে হয়। যদি প্রশ্নে কোনাে তারিখ উল্লেব থাকে তবে সেই তারিখটিই ব্যবহার করবে। আর প্রশ্নে তারিখ উল্লেখ না থাকলে তুমি যে তারিখে পরীক্ষা দিচ্ছ, সেই তারিখ উল্লেখ করতে পারাে। 15 February 2029 অথবা February 15, 2029 এই দুইভাবেই তুমি তারিখ লিখতে পারো। তবে প্রথমটি লেখাই ভালাে। তারিখ নেবার পর নিচে একটু ফাঁকা জায়গা রাখতে হবে।
2. প্রাপকের পদবি ও ঠিকানা (Designation & address of the recipient) : এ অংশে যার কাছে পত্র নেবা হচ্ছে তার পদবি (যেমন: The Principal) ও তিনি যে প্রতিষ্ঠানের তার নাম ও ঠিকানা (যেমন: Joynagar College, Faridpur) নিতে হবে। এক্ষেত্রে পদবি ও প্রতিষ্ঠানের নামের প্রথম অক্ষর বড় হাতের অক্ষরে লিখতে হবে।
3. বিষয় (Subject) : যে বিষয়ে পত্র লেখা হচ্ছে সেটি এখানে লিখতে হবে। যেমন:Prayer/Application for a full-free studentship. বিষয়ের নিচে Underline করে দিতে হবে।
সম্বােধন (Salutation) : যার কাছে পত্র লেখা হচ্ছে তাকে সম্মানসূচক সম্বােধন (যেমন : Sir/Dear Sir) করতে হবে। ব্যক্তির বিভিন্নতা অনুসারে সম্বােধন বিভিন্ন রকম হতে পারে। নিচে এর একটি তালিকা দেওয়া হলাে-
ব্যক্তির ধরন
সম্বােধন (Salutation)
শিক্ষক বা শিক্ষিকার কাছে
Sir, Madam, Dear Sir/Dear Madam
ব্যবসায়িক ক্ষেত্রে সামান্য পরিচিত ব্যক্তির কাছে
Dear Sir, Dear Mr Karim
রাষ্ট্রের গুরত্বপূর্ণ পদাধিকারী ব্যক্তি, যেমন: রাষ্ট্রপতি, প্রধানমন্ত্রী, রাষ্ট্রদূতের কাছে
Excellency/ Majesty
মূল অংশ (Body of the letter): এ অংশে প্রথমে নিজের পরিচিতি, এরপর তােমার নির্ধারিত সমস্যা ও তার সমাধানের অনুরােধ তে হবে।
ভদ্রোচিত বিদায় (subscription): মূল অংশের নিচে বাম দিকে প্রাপককে যথাযথ সম্মান জানিয়ে পত্র শেষ করতে হবে। সম্বন্ধের বিল্পিত অনুসারে এটি বিভিন্ন রকম হতে পারে। নিচে এর একটি তালিকা দেওয়া হলাে –
ব্যক্তির ধরন
বিদায় (subscription)
শিক্ষক বা শিক্ষিকার কাছে
Yours sincerely, Yours obediently
সামান্য পরিচিত বা ব্যবসায়িক পত্রের ক্ষেত্রে
Truly yours, Sincerely yours, Yours faithfully
রাষ্টের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ পদাধিকারী ব্যক্তি যেমন: রাষ্ট্রপতি, প্রধানমন্ত্রী ,রাষ্ট্রদূতের কাছে
I have the honor to remain most respectfully yours
নাম ও পরিচয় (Signature & Identity) : এ অংশে পত্র লেখকের নিজের নাম ও ঠিকানা লিখতে হয়। শিক্ষকের কাছে লিখলে তুমি তােমার নাম, শ্রেণি ও রােল নং উল্লেখ করবে।
Formal letter লেখার গুরুত্বপূর্ণ টিপস
Letter Writing for SSC HSC
ভালাে করে খেয়াল করাে : অনেক ক্ষেত্রে দেখা যায়, তােমরা প্রশ্নপত্রের নির্দিষ্ট তথ্যগুলাের আলােকে উত্তর লিখতে ভুলে যাও। একটা ব্যাপার ভালােভাবে মনে রাখবে, প্রশ্নে যেসব তথ্য নির্দিষ্ট করে দেওয়া থাকে, সেই তথ্যগুলাে হুবহু ব্যবহার না করে উত্তর লিখলে তােমার নম্বর অনেক কমে আসবে। নিচের প্রশ্নটি ভালােভাবে দেখ।
Suppose, you are Kamal, a student of class XII of Joynagar College. Your father, who is a petty clerk on a private farm, is unable to bear your educational expenses. Now, write an application to the Principal for a full-free studentship.
লক্ষ করাে, প্রশ্নে নির্দিষ্ট তথ্যগুলােকে underline করা হয়েছে। তােমরাও উত্তর লেখার পূর্বে প্রশ্নপত্রে এভাবেই তথ্যগুলাে চিহ্নিত করবে। তাহলে ভুল হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা কম থাকবে। এবার লক্ষ করাে, প্রশ্নে উল্লিখিত তথ্যের ভিত্তিতে কীভাবে application টি লিখবে। তােমাদের বােঝার সুবিধার্থে তথ্যগুলাের প্রয়ােগ Underline / Bold করে দেখানাে হলাে।
15 February 2029
The Principal
Joynagar College , Faridpur ( প্রশ্নে উল্লিখিত তথ্যের ভিত্তিতে )
Subject: Prayer for a full-free studentship
Dear Sir,
I would like to state that I am a regular student of your college and I have always been ranked first in all the previous examinations. My father is a petty clerk on a private farm ( প্রশ্নে উল্লিখিত তথ্যের ভিত্তিতে ). Our family consists of eight members and my father is the only earning member of our family. So, my father is unable to bear my educational expenses after maintaining such a large family. It is a great bar for my studies.
May I, therefore, hope that you would kindly grant me a full-free studentship so that I can continue my studies properly.
Yours sincerely, Md. Kamal Class XII, Roll- 1 ( প্রশ্নে উল্লিখিত তথ্যের ভিত্তিতে )
Letter Writing for SSC HSC
Writing Formal Letter
1, On behalf of the students of your class, write an application to the Principal of your college for providing multimedia facilities in the classroom. (DD-2019; CigB-2019; BB-2019; RD-2017, C1g8-2015)
15 February 2029
The Principal Charfassion Govt College Bhola
Subject: Application for providing multimedia facilities in the classrooms
We, the students of your college, would like to inform you that ours is a renowned college in Bhola. We have good academic records. However, it is a matter of regret that we cannot compete with other colleges due to the lack of technical support.
Our classes have traditional arrangements while many colleges in our district arc provide multimedia facilities in their classrooms. We are unable to learn many skills because we do not have modern classroom settings. We, therefore, hope that you would kindly take the necessary steps so that we can have multimedia facilities in our classrooms and oblige thereby,
Yours sincerely, Golam Mowla Roll no. 329,
On behalf of the students of Charfassion Govt College
2. As you are a student, you attend classes regularly. But your classrooms are overcrowded. Now, write an application to the principal of your college to provide a sound system in large classrooms. (SB-2019; BB-2017, 2013, CB-2015)
20 April 2020
The Principal Tejgaon College Dhaka
Subject: Application for providing sound system in the classrooms Sir, Ours is one of the biggest colleges in the capital. Almost four thousand students study in this college in different disciplines former first. The classrooms of the college are quite large, and they can accommodate more than one hundred and fifty students.
However, it is a matter of great regret that the classrooms do not have state-of-the-art facilities. Despite having large classrooms, there is no sound system. As a result, the honorable lecturers have to talk very loudly, which often results in a sore throat. Again, the students who have to sit on the backbenches can hardly listen to them. In this way, they are being deprived of important information.
I, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to consider the fact and take the necessary steps to set up a sound system immediately and oblige thereby.
Sincerely yours, Rayan Hasan Roll no. 8012, Class-XI Section: B On behalf of the students of Tejgaon College
3. Write an application to the Principal of your college to provide a Wi-Fi facility on the college campus.
27 March 2029
The Principal ‘X’ College, Bogura
Subject: Application for providing Wi-Fi facility on the campus
I, on behalf of the students of our college, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that although the educational institutions across the country are being technologically developed in recent times, our college does not have any Wi-Fi facility yet. If we have a free Wi-Fi zone on our campus, we can browse the internet and get updated information related to our academic and general knowledge. 1, therefore, pray and hope that you would take the necessary steps for introducing a Wi-Fi facility on campus and oblige thereby.
Yours sincerely, Shuvo Saleheen Roll-02, Class-XII
On behalf of the students of ‘X’ College
Letter Writing for SSC HSC
4. Write an application to the Principal of your college for internet facilities.
10 January 2029
The Principal Cumilla Victoria Govt College, Cumilla
Subject: Application for internet facilities in our college
Sir, This is to inform you that we have a computer club on our campus. However, it is a matter of regret that there is no internet facility in it. In today’s highly globalized world, the internet is one of our most important needs.
We cannot stay updated with the latest findings, innovations, and advancements in the world without the internet. So, we need internet facilities in our computer lab. We, therefore, hope that you would kindly take the necessary steps to provide us with internet facilities in our college and oblige thereby.
Sincerely yours, Mithila Das Roll no.-403, Class-XII
Letter Writing for SSC HSC
5. seeking permission to install internet facilities in your college library.
April 7, 2029
The Principal
Brahmanbaria Govt College Brahmanbaria
Subject: Application for installing internet facilities in the college library
Sir, I, on behalf of the students of your college, would like to inform you that we have a spacious library with thousands of books in it. We can collect a lot of information from them. But we cannot stay connected to the internet service though the library has a number of computers. So, we are deprived of the benefits of information and communication technology (ICT).
We are living in an age when ICT has reached its peak. We are unfortunately out of such easily reachable facilities. Hence, it is necessary to bring the library to the network. A wide area network (WAN) along with the internet service is a must to accelerate the tempo of our academic activities and also to get connected globally.
I, therefore, hope that you would kindly take the necessary steps to install internet facilities in our college library and oblige thereby.
Yours Obediently,
Mahmud Bin Albar, Class XII, Roll-21,
On behalf of the students of ‘ Bramanbaria Govt College Brahmanbaria ‘ College
Letter Writing for SSC HSC
6. Suppose, you are Abid and studying at ABC College in Feni. Now, on behalf of the students of your college, write an application to the principal of your college to set up an English Debating Club at your college.(DJB-2019; SB-2015, CB-2012)
01 May 2029
The Principal ABC College Feni
Subject: Application for setting up an English Debating Club
Sir, This is to inform you that we, the students of your college, are keenly interested to organise an English Debating Club in our college. It can give us an opportunity to expose our latent talent. Moreover, a debating club can prepare us to take part in different debating contests like National TV Debating Competition.
That is why we need to set up an English Debating Club in our college. Our English teacher, Mr. Arif Ahmed, has kindly consented to guide us. We, therefore, hope that you would kindly take immediate steps to set up an English Debating Club in our college and oblige thereby.
Sincerely yours,
Part Abid Khan Roll no. 3, Class-XII On behalf of the students of ABC College, Feni
7. Write an application to the Principal of your college seeking permission to set up an English Speaking Club/ English Language Club. [DjB-2017; RB-2012]
07 November 2029
The Principal
Mymensingh City College, Mymensingh.
Subject: Application for setting up an English Language Club.
Sir, We, the students of your college, would like to inform you that we are learning English in our classes in the communicative method. This method is helpful for acquiring four skills of language – listening, speaking, reading, and writing. We are very much aware of the necessity of learning English, and so, we want to develop these skills. But we have a little scope for acquiring speaking and listening skills in the classroom. For this, we need a separate session as well as an environment in order to practice English.
A language club is the best solution in this regard. Our English Lecturer, Mr. Kamruzzaman is also interested to guide us in the club to develop our English. We, therefore, hope that you would kindly allow us to establish an English Language Club on the college premises to develop our skills in the English language and oblige thereby.
Yours sincerely, Tanima Chowdhury Roll no. 1, Class-XII On behalf of the students of Classes XI and XII
Letter Writing for SSC HSC
8. Write an application to your Principal for his/her permission to set up a debating club in your college. (CIXB-2017, SN-2017, 2013, JB-2013, DD-2009, BB-2010)
13 March 2029
The Principal Jasanpur United College Khulna
Subject: Application for setting up a debating club
We, the students of your college, would like to inform you that we are keenly interested to organize a Debating Club in our college. It can give us an opportunity to expose () our latent talent. Moreover, a debating club can prepare us to take part in different debating contests like National TV Debating Competition. That is why we need to set up a debating club in our college.
Our Bangla teacher, Mr. Arif Ahmed, has kindly consented to guide us. We, therefore, hope that you would kindly permit us to set up a debating club in our college and oblige thereby.
Sincerely yours, Ferdous Khan On behalf of the students of Hasanpur United College.
9. Suppose, there is no literary club in your college for want of which the students cannot develop their literary faculty properly. So, write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to take proper steps for setting up a Literary Club.
10 April 2029
The Principal Khulna College Khulna
Subject: Application for setting up a Literary Club.
We, the students of your college, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that we only learn what our syllabus contains in our classes. But our syllabus doesn’t include literature, and therefore, we are being deprived of getting literary knowledge. We need a separate environment to study literature.
A literary club is the best solution to this. Our English teacher, Mr. Manzur Alam is also interested to guide us in the club to develop our literary knowledge. We, therefore, hope that you would kindly take proper steps for setting up a Literary Club in the college premises and oblige us thereby.
Yours sincerely, Amrita Kumar Sarker Roll no. 1, Class-XII, On behalf of the students of Classes XI and XII
Letter Writing for SSC HSC
10. Suppose, your college has not yet set up a Computer Club. As a result, you are not in a good position to get the benefits of learning computers. So, write an application to the Principal of your college to set up a computer club.
10 February 2029
The Principal Rangpur Cadet College Rangpur
Subject: Application for setting up a Computer Club in the college
We, the students of your college, would like to inform you that we are very interested in computers. Our college has not yet taken steps for setting up a Computer Club. A computer club is necessary in order to develop the educational status of our college. Computer Science has been included in the SSC and HSC curriculum and yet we do not have any club to practice it.
Also, we know that the Bangladesh government has taken the necessary steps in order to digitalize it at a very level. Therefore, we would like to request you to take steps for setting up a computer club with an internet connection to widen the horizon of our knowledge.
Sincerely yours, Shakil Ferdous Roll no. 005498, Class-XI
On behalf of the students of Rangpur Cadet College
11. Write an application to the Principal of your college asking for permission to open a cultural club on your college premises.
05 June 2029
The Principal
Residential Model College
Subject: Application for opening a cultural club
With due respect, we have the honor to state that ours is one of the most reputed colleges in the capital city. However, it is a matter of sorrow that we have no cultural club in our college. As a result, we cannot practice reciting, acting, singing, and other cultural activities on the college premises.
If we had a cultural club, we could practice them. Consequently, we are lagging behind in this area of knowledge. Therefore, we request you to take the necessary steps for setting up a cultural club in our college,
Yours obediently,
Ibrahim Khalil Class – XI, Roll – 13 On behalf of the students of Residential Model College
12. Suppose, you are Shibab from Ideal School and College, Dhaka. Your college library lacks many useful books. So, write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to purchase books. (HSC Exam (Combined Board-2018]
17 January 2029
The Principal
Ideal School and College Dhaka
Subject: Application for increasing the number of books in the library
With due respect, I have the honor to state that our college library is ill-equipped. Many books are not available. So, the librarian cannot issue necessary books to the students. The HSC examinees fail to prepare notes, as a result of which their preparation is being hampered.
Therefore, I hope that you would be kind enough to consider the problem and provide the library with more books and oblige thereby.
Yours sincerely, Shihab Hasan: Roll no. 5, Class XI On behalf of the students of Ideal School and College.
13. On behalf of the students of your class, write an application to the Principal of your college for improving computer lab facilities.
May 06, 2029
The Principal Ananda Mohan College, Mymensingh
Subject: Application for improving computer lab facilities
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that a computer lab was set up in our college six months ago in order to enable the students to acquire technological knowledge using the latest device. Setting up such a lab-made the students highly enthusiastic. However, it is sad to say, the lab is unable to provide the services it is meant for. The number of computers in the lab is not sufficient compared to the number of users. Besides, due to the lack of internet connection in the lab, the students cannot get access to the vast world of information.
We, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to take the prompt step to increase the lab facilities and give us a chance to keep pace with the modern world and oblige thereby
Yours sincerely,
Fariha Ahmed Roll no. 01, Class-XI, On behalf of the students of Ananda Mohan College
Letter Writing for SSC HSC
14. Suppose, you are Ratul You are a student of Class XI of KG College. You have a common room without modern facilities. Now, write an application to your Principal for increasing facilities in the college common room.
21 March 2029
The Principal KG College Kurigram
Subject: Application for increasing facilities in the college common room
With due respect, we, the students of Class XI, want to state that our college has a common room for the students. This room is quite spacious and airy but it lacks modern facilities. There is no fan and water supply in the room. Moreover, sitting arrangements are not sufficient.
The condition becomes unbearable during hot summer days. We badly need distilled water facility in the common room as well. Therefore, we hope that you would be kind enough to make the arrangements mentioned above and help solve this long-standing problem.
Sincerely yours, Ratul Ihsan Roll no. 10, Section: C, On behalf of the students of Class XI
15. Write an application to your principal requesting him to supply an English newspaper for your common гооm.
February 5, 2029,
The Principal
Mymensingh Zilla School and College Mymensingh
Subject: Application for supplying an English newspaper for the common room.
Sir, We, the students of your college, lay the fact before you that there is no English newspaper in our common room. There is no doubt that reading English newspapers helps learners to gain expertise (Tel) in English.
That is why we need an English newspaper in our common room. We, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to allow an English newspaper for our common room and oblige us thereby.
Yours sincerely, Maksudur Rahman Roll no. 1023, Class-XI On behalf of the students of Mymensingh Zilla School and College
16. Write an application to the Principal of your college requesting him to improve the facilities in the college library.
27 January 2029
The Principal Pioneer College Barishal
Subject: Application for improving library facilities
I, on behalf of the students of our college, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that the library facilities in our college are not sufficient. The number of books in the library, accommodation, library hours, etc. cannot serve the students in a proper manner. For the greatest benefit of the students, a larger collection of books are required in the library.
Again, accommodation inside the library and library hours need to be increased for the benefit of the students. Your kind consideration and cooperation in this respect will help us make good results in our HSC Exam.
May I, therefore, hope that you would take necessary action to improve the library facilities and oblige thereby.
Yours sincerely, Shuvo Ahmed, Class-XII, Roll-02
17. Suppose, you are a student of Police Lines School and College, Rangpur. Now, write an application to the Principal of your college for setting up a computer lab.
January 06, 2029
The Principal
Police Lines School & College, Rangpur
Subject: Application for setting up a Computer Lab
I, on behalf of the students of our college, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that ours is a reputed institution. However, it is a matter of regret that there is no computer lab in our college. It is obvious that a computer lab can enable the students to acquire technological knowledge using the latest device. It can also make the students highly enthusiastic. Besides, ICT has been made compulsory in our academic syllabus. So, a computer lab has become a necessity for us.
I, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to take prompt steps to set up a computer lab and oblige thereby.
Yours sincerely, Fariha Ahmed Roll no. 01, Class-XI On behalf of the students of Police Lines School and College
Letter Writing for SSC HSC
18. Job Application: Write a job application to the Principle of a college for the post of lecturer in the English language.
10 May 2029
The Principal
Chittagong Model College
Subject: Application for the post of a Lecturer in English / an English Language Teacher.
In response to your announcement published in The Prothom Alo on 10 June 2029, I came to know that you’re going to appoint a Lecturer in English/ an English Language Schoolteacher in your reputed institution. I would like to offer myself as a seeker for the post. For your kind consideration, my class vitae/ capsule/bio-data and other necessary particulars are enclosed herewith.
Thus, it would be a great pleasure if you kindly allow me to attend the interview board so that I can prove my worth for the applicable post/ position.
Sincerely Yours
Mohammad Fahad
Curriculum vitae / Resume / Bio-data
1. Name: Mohammad Fahad
2. Father’s Name: Sardar Hossain
3. Mother’s Name: Marjina
4. Date of Birth: 31 December 1996
5. Present Address: Andorkilla, Chittagong
6. Permanent Address: 7/A, Court Papa, Jhenaidah7. Nationality: Bangladeshi
8. Marital Status: married
9. Contact No. : xxxxxxxxxxx
10. Email: xxx@gamil.com
11. Academic Background
Name of Exam
Group / Department
Board /University
Passing Year
Dhaka University
BA (Hons)
CGPA- 3.75
Dhaka University
GPA- 5 (A+)
Jashore Board
GPA- 5 (A+)
Jashore Board
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Letter Writing for SSC HSC ছাড়াও তোমরা গ্রামার বা ব্যকরণ অংশের বিশদ প্রস্তুতির জন্য ক্লিক করো-